Chapter 1: The Bride of the Demon Lord.

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"Witch. I am not here to be anyone's familiar or slave. So if you don't want to have a hundred year curse of bad luck, you best be going." (Azel) warns the girl and shifts her hand pointed at the broom.

In motion the broom went to the direction Azel wished and flew right inside and into the girl's hand. "Leave, I won't be as merciful as the next warning I give." she warns the girl who crosses her arms refusing to leave. It was such a bad time when her servant was away, he couldn't send this little witch in her stead.

"But I need you to become my familiar! Come on! My witch advisers told me you were the strongest demon there was!" The witch stomped her feet, such bravery yet such stupidity and ignorance to demand for the demon lord to give up her freedom and service to a little girl that would never be worthy. "Did you know how hard it was to fly from here? Why didn't you ever like to buy a closer home? I do like the cottage core vibes and how clean this is but you look so lonely-"

She continued to rant and the other party was not having it. Azel was quick to open the door, the moment she did she was back at her once peaceful homeland.

It was magic- teleporting from one place to another as long as she has been there, the cat can pounce. Instead of a small village it was now a small bustling city running out and about.

Shops with glass, concrete stone and had a modern outlook to their aesthetic.

"This place has changed a lot after hundreds of years." she muttered to herself while making her cat features disappear. It went poof! She was already wearing clothes fit for the era so she can remain undetected or not being a human.

Humans might take interest in her ability for immortality, how annoying. She doesn't want humans following her every trace so she rarely goes out but... after that little incident with the witch she couldn't sleep in peace anymore.

Honk! Honk!

Azel's attention turned off the noise and noticed the honking cars in the middle of the street.

Before all this technology they used horses as the best breeds, from expensive carriages made from expensive hardwood and mules or the means of walking in order to travel.

Now it was overly crowded by humans that drive cars that honked loudly onto the streets and to think they've also achieved the inventions to be able to fly!

My, if the people back then saw the advancement they have made surely they would yell witchcraft! In every direction. Science was another matter often misunderstood as sorcery.

Azel walked and with her hands on the pockets of her pants. With her look from the long dark hair flowing behind her back, emerald green eyes and pale skin everyone who would take a look at her would think she's definitely a model- "Ow my shoe! It broke!" a teenage girl full of makeup and an expensive handbag complained taking a look at her shoe, it appears that her heel has left her and was left dangling.

"M-My coin! I lost my coin!" a kid leans over to the ground trying to find his coin to put in a vending machine.

"Kyah! A wind blew my papers away!" a woman held her skirt letting go of her papers after Azel had some distance with her then the wind stopped. She hurriedly ran for the important looking papers before sighing.

The Demon Lord is a Cat! ( GL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz