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As your lips brushed my face, your hands on my hips and around my stomach, i felt something that i thought i had never before, but as you pulled me in, closer to you, closer to your body i remembered it again. Someones touch and their hands like this on my body.

I had felt like this. Last summer under the stars and the moon watching me and the other person losing our minds over each others touch. But now as the sun was setting, the seegulls screaming over our heads, I was with you. You're not a complete stranger anymore-you feel different yet so familiar. It feels like a different kind of kiss this time. Less secretive and more mature, as the waves crash against our bodies standing in the clear blue water, up to our ribcages that are already covered in goosebumps, not because it was cold but because your touch made me feel somthing i had missed for such a long time.

Such a long time since last summer.

since you.

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