Chapter 5 Boss.(Warning sexual harrasment and little smut)

Start from the beginning

Gusion:IDC!! You better do that!!!

Aamon:ugh! Fine

Gusion: I'm not gonna talk to you if you don't say sorry to natan too!

Aamon:What?? Just for him?

Gusion:yeah he's a nice man you know! Good luck if I ever go missing I hate you!

*Gusion slam the door dragging his bf to*

Aamon:Tha Lil brat! Ugh

Aamon's pov.
Is he right do? Am I going a bit too far?. No, I'm not I'm always like this anyway

*Minutes have passed natan was still making the work so he can go home early soon*

Natan's pov.
I just wanna get this over soon then sleep at home this is so many. Damn it. Hope I finish it on time before the boss needs it. I shouldn't have talked back at him. But he was such a bastard and I hate it when alphas are like that, they think they own people or treat them as their slaves..tch. I hate them so much. Let's just get this over with...

*Natan kept working while he was looking at a photo of his parents*

Natan:I miss you, mom and dad...I'm sorry for being a disgrace to you guys. I didn't even ask to be an omega.

*Natan was sad he was the only one left who needed to do work he dint noticed aamon was listening to him*

Aamon's pov.
To be honest, parents these days want alphas mostly than omegas. Since alphas are popular. I honestly feel bad, to be honest for him. Wait. Come on aamon what are you thinking this is waste of time.

*Aamon goes away an hour has passed and it was time for him to leave when he was passing by he saw natan fell asleep, he was about to wake him up then he realized he finished all of his works now*

Aamon's pov.
Huh. He did finish them in time.

*Aamon then checked him out a bit he moves his hair a bit to see a good look at him*

Aamon:Hm. Good looks I must say, pretty enough. too bad you're an alpha.

*Aamon takes a better closer look at him then natan suddenly woke up*

Natan:?! Boss?!

Aamon:? Oh you woke up, how was your sleep huh


*Natan then stand up*

Natan:I finished all the work boss, hope I was on time

Aamon:you are don't worry

Natan:Well I should take my leave now

*Natan took his stuff and was about to go passed him then suddenly aamon grabbed him back*


Aamon:If you think this is enough of what happened last time? it isn't.

Natan:Then what else do you even want boss. If it still more works I can do them tomorrow just let me go this time

Aamon:I'm not talking about work

*Natan was a Lil confused then aamon just grab he's necktie a bit then smiled then natan probably knew what he wants*

Natan:!! Over my dead body! I'd rather do work!

*Natan then run away to the bathroom first He took a deep breath and washed his face for a bit*

Alan:Ah natan it's nice to see you here

Natan:! Ah alan what are you doing here?

Alan:I should be asking you that do but good timing you do you came to the bathroom how about we have a nice chat ey~?

*Alan then grabbed Natan's waist while natan was mad he was about to push him alan released his pheromones*

Alan:You are an omega natan I thought I was wrong but the way you react to my pheromones you are. Now be a good boy

Natan's pov.
Someone pls help.

*alan was about to touch him more then he got punched by someone hard, then pulled someone pulled natan away*


*before alan could finish his sentences he noticed aamon in front of him*

Aamon:You dare talk back to me. You know what will happen to people who do that right.

*Natan was weak shaking aamon carrying him*

Alan:!!! B-boss! I'm so sorry!

Aamon:then explain this. I do not allow this kind of behavior in my company. I'm going-

*Then natan suddenly grabbed his shirt tight and shaking a lot*

Aamon:...You better get ready what will happen after I take care of him you a$$hole.

*Alan then run away fast aamon couldn't chase after him cause of natan*

Aamon:Damn it.

*Then aamon looked at natan all weak in heat*

Aamon:Guess I was right weren't I.? You are an omega

*Aamon made him look at him while natan was not thinking straight didn't hesitate and kissed aamon suddenly*


*Then aamon heard some noises he quickly went to the bathroom quick with natan*

Aamon's pov.
I need to control myself before something gets worse, but Idk if I can resist this. Damn it.

Aamon:Don't you have an alpha or something natan.

Natan:I don't boss.

Aamon:what?? Damn it.

Aamon's pov.
This guy is dead meat when they found out he's an omega same time he's not even marked?!

*Aamon didn't know what to do, natan suddenly released his pheromones to aamon that making him "hard 😍"

Aamon:Natan did you just

Natan:I'm sorry. I couldn't help it...pls help me.

*Natan kissed aamon again he's arms were around his neck*

Aamon's pov.
Idk how he is turning me on. But I can't resist it. Damn it. You're asking for this*

*Aamon kissed him back then put his hands inside his pants then his fingers inside his hole*

*Natan made a sound while the two of them were kissing, finally aamon broke the kiss*

Natan:P-Pls do more.

*Natan was not thinking straight*

Aamon:Now now not yet. We need a condom yk. Let's me call someone alr?. It will be quick. For now, stick with my finger alr

*Aamon moved his finger inside Natan, Natan was grabbing his shirt tight while aamon called someone real quick*

Aamon:Haya if you are still in the building with Gusion give me a spare condom if you don't mind. Don't ask just fcking hurry I need it rn.

Hayabusa(Call):All on my way

*Aamon sighed as aamon was making sounds aamon kept using his fingers fast*


Aamon:Well I could never know you were this cute natan~

*Someone knocked on the door*

Aamon:Haya is that you

Hayabusa:Yes brother aamon

*Aamon carried natan still while he took the condom*

Hayabusa:I will put a sign outside of the bathroom door you guys better hurry do

Aamon:Don't rush us I never did that when you and gus did that.

Hayabusa:alr alr sorry good luck

*Hayabusa locked the door then went out so no one can go in*

Aamon:Now be a good boy natan and bend down for me alr?~

To be continued....

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