Humna p.o.v

  Uncle and aunty went to their respective rooms not before sending a glare on dadu's way .

  " Your nonchalant behaviour must have hurt her so bad , why didn't you stop your son " I sat beside him .

  " She is their daughter and they love her more than money …" he said " except her by the way not me and you " he pointed both of us and I rolled my eyes .

  " She is your granddaughter " I told him .

  " And their daughter as well , they would come to the road before ruining their daughter's life and I can assure you , there must be some benefits for Rumaisa in this marriage that's why they wanted her to get married " when he got up and looked at me .

  " Don't poke your nose in this matter Humna I don't want you to get hurt " with that he walked away and I let out a frustrated sigh .


  " How??? She is my sister '' I muttered to myself .









  Opening the door I peep inside to see Rumaisa crying with her face pressed on the pillow .


  " Are you okay there ??" I asked to enter inside .

  She got up glaring with a red nose and messy hair " do I look okay to you " she yelled then proceeded to cry more .

  " Hey…. Look at the bright side " I sat beside her .

  " Bright side ??"


  " Yeah I mean imagine it's straight out of a romantic novel , A handsome billionaire is madly in love with you and wants you at all cost …. " I giggle excited then let out a dreamy sigh …


  " Ahh… how much I wish it was me " I clasp my hand with a pout .


  I glance at Rumaisa who's one eyebrow raised and gave me a weird look .

  " And what if he is an old creepy pervert with a big belly and a bald head? " she pointed out and my smile dropped .

  " Yeah point " I whispered, getting back to the real world .


  " How can my own parents do this to me? " she cried and I hugged her .

  " I wish I can take your pain " I whispered, patting not knowing that my wish was about to turn true .







  Skip to the wedding ….



  Today is Rumaisa's wedding. It's been one month since a lot of fighting and arguing. Rumaisa finally agreed . I am not happy for her .



  She looks dull day by day. I hope Allah the almighty makes her task easy .


  I was getting ready to pinning my red hijab properly. That's when I heard voices of loud , panicked voices of people arguing but aunty voices beat above all .


  What's going on ??? I thought .

  But then again , they have been fighting for silly things all day: the food , the lighting and most importantly making Rumaisa ready so she can look best . I rolled my eyes ignoring and pushed the thoughts which were trying to bug me about something really bad going to happen .


  Amna aunty was perfectionist in everything ahh… I pity the wedding planner .


  Letting out a heavy breath I sat on the edge of the bed tying my heel belt and a thought passed my head .


  Rumaisa is so lucky there's someone out there madly in love with her and here I can only fantasise .

  Can't Asad fall in love with me the same way like the guy did???


  How exciting it would be if he fell in love with me and got possessive .

  I giggle and tap my forehead knowing very well no one can fall in love with me enough to be scared to lose me. After all, I am just an average looking girl with black rimmed glasses and braces .

  Who would be mad enough to even glance my way .


  Anyway, today is Rumaisa day. I hope everything went well for her .


  I got up to examine myself in the mirror one last time before opening the door and walking toward those noises increasing badly .

  I saw dadu sitting on couch with a defeated face while Uncle pacing around the room with worry fetched on his face  and aunty crying badly with all her makeup smudge .


  " What's going on ??" I questioned and all of their eyes fell on their faces , which made me extremely conscious .

  They all went silent for a moment and here my heart started to race abnormally .

  I hope it's not what I am thinking

  I hope it's not

  I hope it's

  " Rumaisa ran away " my dadu spoke .

  A gasp left my lips ..





  Hello my lovely readers I am back with another new story. I hope you all like it .


  What do you think is going to happen now ??

  Do you like the chapter please give your feedback .

  I love to read your thoughts









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