"Won't be around him for I while." She mumbled

"Speaking of .. Kennedy he said he on the way." Saint added

"And why would he be..." she asked

"Umm.. to pick you up dumbass he told me he was gone scoop you for a couple hours but wanted to surprise you." He said

"And you believed that stupid shit." Aaliyah mean mugged him.

"Yeah that reasoning was dumb as hell." Simone added

"Shit well Ian know sounded valid to me." He shrugged his shoulders

"Kennedy can you bring me an ice pack." seven asked her

She nodded and went in the kitchen to get him a ice pack

She went and held it on his leg

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" She asked

She never changed from when they were together she was still just like a mom she cared for him a lot even if she didn't know show it after taking care of him for those couple of days it became a habit with the way she was reacting.

"No I'm good." He said

Everybody just watched as the situation unfolded knowing that nothing good could come from whatever their little friendship was

He looked at her and laughed to himself

"What's funny seven." She said

"The way you still act the same blows me , even after the Destiny situation." He stated

"You apologized for your actions , and I believe in second chances." She said

He nodded his head and stared at her for a moment wondering how she had got mixed up with somebody like that bitch ass nigga roman.

They heard a knock at the door and Kennedy dropped trying to hide

"Kennedy still here.." She heard a deep voice say

"Yeah , she hiding by that couch right there." Saint replied

"I hate snitches , I know who not to rob a bank with."She said getting up and grabbing her phone getting ready to leave

She didn't even argue because she knew that Kaiser would end up convincing her anyways.

He mean mugged seven and seven smirked at him

He dropped his ice pack and groaned

"Shit.. I can't get it back up." He said

Kennedy picked the ice pack up and placed it back on his leg

"Hold it like this cause these fuckers not gone help if it fall again ." She showed him and he nodded his head

Roman stared at seven for a minute and then smiled.

Seven was playing with his own life and Roman wasn't going to entertain him because he knew Kennedy was all his and he needed zero reassurance

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