Megan often thinks her nose is too big, hence why some of her social media usernames have the words 'Big Nosed Elf' in them. She knows that it fits her face proportionately but she likes to joke about it. Megan also has huge plump lips, and has a nose piercing, a belly piercing, three lobe piercings on her right ear, two on her left, and a helix piercing on her left. She has a few tattoos as well. One on the back of her left shoulder and one on her ankle of things that are extremely meaningful to her. She's also embarrassed to admit she has a tiny tramp stamp tattoo that says "bruh" which she had gotten while she was drunk a long time ago. All her piercings and tats may seem like a lot but her tattoos are mostly in invisible places.

Anything Else: A common misconception about Megan is that she wears make-up to impress others. That couldn't be further from the truth honestly. She wears make-up because it makes her feel good about herself and that's all. She wears it for herself and no one else.


Hometown: Midgar

World:  Gaia

Family: Her direct family is not awfully big. She loves them very much but don't even get her started on her massive extended family. They are a completely different story.

Mom ~ An ER doctor. Often spends nights on call in the hospital resulting in absences on birthdays and special events. She's very strict. Megan's mother often says things like "Be home by this time or you're grounded" despite the fact that Megan is almost moving on to the clinical section of medical school and is not a child. Ultimately, when it comes down to it, she is only so overprotective because she doesn't want Megan to grow up, and both of them know that.

Dad ~ A retired SOLDIER (he's friGGIN OLD, MAN). Just like his wife, he is also extremely strict. It is all in love for his children, but he doesn't realize that sometimes it's downright ridiculous. Despite everything though, Megan loves him. There were times in her childhood where he would snap when he was angry and scare Megan but it was only ever him raising his voice just a little too much. He is known to crack extremely dirty jokes (to which Megan always laughs) and gets a kick out of it when he or someone else passes gas. You could say he's immature for his age but when it comes down to it, he is a very professional man and only lets his childish side show in front of friends and family.

Maya ~ Megan's sister. About 9 years her senior. They are as close as pees in a pod. Even though the age gap is so big, they have many common interests and fangirl together over 'that thing that happened in the latest episode'. They absolutely love hanging around each other. Maya had a huge part in raising Megan as their parents were (and still are) quite busy. She always used to babysit, change diapers, and 'play' with Megan when she was a baby. Maya has since moved to another world with her husband which had taken a huge toll on Megan. She really misses Maya, her brother and law, and her twin niece and nephew  but they call and text each other frequently.

Claire ~ Megan's sister. About 7 years her senior. Despite Megan not being as close to Claire as she is with Maya, Claire had just as big of a part in raising her as Maya did. Claire and Megan tend to fight more than Maya and Megan but that doesn't change the fact that they love each other very much. Claire has also moved to another world to teach.

Matt ~ Megan's brother. About 4 years her junior. Megan and Matt relatively get along just like any other brother and sister. On Megan's 4th birthday, she wished for a baby brother before she blew out the candles. As it turns out, she was going to get one anyways as her mother was already pregnant but Megan didn't know it at the time and though her wish came true because of  'birthday magic'. She sustains a healthy relationship with her brother and is fond of all the memories she has playing cars with him when they were children.

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