having fun

42 0 0

Spec's pov:

I wake up. Cagney is clinged onto me and there's a vine loosely around me. I pick it up to move it.

"AH!" a voice moans loudly

I quickly turn around. The voice was Cagney's of course. The vines are suddenly covered in thorns. But that's not bothering me. Why did he just moan so loudly? He's also very red.

"Be careful! The vines can get sensitive" he explains.

"They are?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah if they grow and I'm off guard they can get really sensitive. So you gotta-!" He stops abruptly "Ow fuck!" He says trying not to shout

He pricked his hand. He removes the thorn in his hand. He looks at me.

"You don't know what sensitive feels like do ya?" He asks.

I nod. "Well yeah... I'm a ghost"

He sits on the bed and thinks for a moment. He calms himself down and the thorns go away.

"I could possess you to learn" I proposed the idea

He thinks it over for a long moment.

"Uh... I don't think doing it here would be a good idea" he explains.

"The train doesn't run on Sundays so I have today off. We can go to your place." I offer

He smiles. "Alright that works"

We head over to his house. It's a long walk. We hold hands. But there's a, silence between us. He's all red and to nervous to talk. As for me, I can't think of anything good to start a conversation.

"Awww! Our lovely couple has returned!" A voice says as we walk past the carnival

It's beppi. He seems happy to see us. Even though I'm fine with him being around I notice Cagney seems uncomfortable. He's even covering his ears. He seemed ok with beppi before so it must be the noise of the carnival that's bugging him.

"Oh hi beppi! I'd love to stay and chat but we're kinda in a hurry" I explain.

"Oh what's the rush?" He asks

"I forgot cartoons had to sleep. We were up all night long. Unfortunately there's no beds on the train" I lie

"Aww! Well then, you two have fun~" he teases

We return to isle 1. Lucky us, where Cagney lives isn't too far from the die house. We get inside and he sits on the couch. He grows a vine. It's way bigger than the one before.

"Alright then, let's get started darling" he says

I posess him. It takes me a few minutes to learn about how to control a body. When I do I focus on the feelings. It's kinda overwhelming. I feel hot but not sweaty. My breath is kinda heavy. There's something going on in my pants but I try my best to ignore it. However it's really difficult to do so, because the feeling is overwhelming.

I focus at the task at hand. I grab the vine. A sudden feeling rushes through me. It's like how I feel around Cagney but...more. I realize what it is. It's arousal.

So that's what he meant by sensitive. How does he deal with it. I want to feel it more. I feel really submissive. I grab the vine rub it. It feels really good. I find myself enjoying this. I can't stop. It feels too nice. I'm moaning uncountably.

The vine grows thorns. Why now? I'm pushed out of his body. He looks at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" He asks

I nod. "Its nice to be able to feel things"

I crawl on top of him. "You still have to finish right? I'll help you out as thanks for letting me feel"

"Alright hold on" he says.

He takes his pants and boxers off. I rub his dick. His moans fill the air. I never thought I'd ever be able to have fun like this.

Pollen is released into the air as his body shakes. He pulls me close, and clings onto me. His breath is heavy.

"Th-...that was fun..." He mumbles

I nod in agreement. I was starting to think he was having health problems. It seems he's ok. I give him a tender kiss.

He kisses me back. Our tounges wrap around each other. His tounges goes down my throat and wiggles around. It feels strange but nice. I push my tounge down his throat a bit. He pulls back suddenly. He's coughing.

"Cagney! Are you ok?" I ask

"Yeah... Just a gag reflex" he explains

"Oh I forgot about those..." I say

He wraps his arms around me. It's very soothing. I want to stay like this forever. He pets my head. I bury my face into his chest. There's small vines all over him. They have flowers everywhere. There's pollen everywhere, it's kinda hard to see. My eyes in my hands float around and glow.i notice Cagney is sweaty. I get up and find my way to the fridge to get him some water.

I return and he's covered in flowers spewing pollen. He's coughing up flowers. He's gasping for air. I have a dumb idea.

I possess him and take over. It's a bad feeling, choking on flowers. I pull them out of his throat. I spit out the last of the petals and leave his body. The first thing I do, is hand him water. He takes it and drinks it.

"Thanks" he says

He leans forward, trying to process things. He looks at the vines scattered across the floor. After a moment he tries to get up and walk but the vines weigh him down.

"What do you need darling?" I ask

He points to the window.

"Open it we need to get the pollen out" he explains.

It takes me a moment to figure it out, but I get it open. I return to Cagney. He holds onto me like a kid would with a teddy bear. He's dozing off but trying to stay up.

I hear a firework. Then the vines grow thorns. They make a dome structure around us. Cagney falls over and lays on me. He probably go worn out from what we were doing... And the choking bit. I decide to let him rest. I close my eyes and rest with him. The living make no sense to me.

It's bright out. So why are they shooting fireworks?

Who knew a battle could lead to happiness? (a ghost blossom fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now