Then she'd shower, just to meet her basic hygienic needs, stepping into a pair of clean pajamas. Then she'd sit on the couch and watch the movies Robin got her, or she'd read whatever books Hopper had lying around his cabin, or she'd listen to her records. If any of that didn't suit her fancy, she'd simply sit on the couch in silence, deep in thought, overthinking the situations long past her and unchangeable, thinking of what she could have done different. 

This continued for several weeks, nearing two months. When Null became concerned about Robin spending too much of her paycheck on Null, Null gave her money for the stuff she'd need. But other than that, she'd led a fairly simple day to day life. Sometimes she'd try to cook something new for dinner, acquiring new skills she'd never had the opportunity to learn before.  

She'd graduated from Hawkins High, now 19, living alone in an abandoned cabin in the woods, running solely off generator electricity and well water. It was a nice change of pace, but she knew it wouldn't last forever. And maybe, just maybe, that's why she finally decided to answer the phone on this particular morning.

The wooden floors were cold as the phone rang out, loud and distant. Null slipped on some socks, throwing one of Steve's old sweatshirts on, as she made her way to the phone in the living room. Her hand hesitated just above the phone, as if her hand was questioning her, asking her if she really wanted to do this. 

The phone went to voicemail, though this time, it wasn't the usual caller. "Alright Null, I know you're there," Dustin's voice cut through the answering machine. "And everyone's been telling me, telling us, to give you space, but hey, what about the rest of us? We've given you practically two months, and I hope that's helped, but as your unofficially adopted son, I say I want you to have some forced custody time with me."

Null smiled at this. It happened about a year ago, before Dustin had left for summer camp. Steve and Null claimed to be Dustin's new adoptive parents, both teens adoring the young one, who in turn, looked up to the both of them. 

Null picked up the phone, but couldn't think of any words to say.

"Hello?" Dustin asked. "Null? Are you there?"

Null said nothing, though she suspected her breathing would provide Dustin with some small confirmation.

"I can here you breathing," Dustin accused. "Okay you know what, I'm just going to keep on talking as long as I have you on the phone. So I called because our D&D club, Hellfire, well the final part of Eddie's campaign is tonight, and Lucas was supposed to come, but he has his championship basketball game or whatever so he can't come, and Eddie won't reschedule."

Null's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, trying to piece together all the things she'd missed in her secluded phase. Lucas playing basketball? It sounded to her like the group was splitting apart. She'd guessed if she was Dustin, that's exactly how she would see it.

Steve and her had split, so Dustin never hung out with them together anymore, plus they graduated so he wouldn't see her at school. Jonathan, Eleven, and Will had moved, Lucas had apparently joined the basketball team, so all he really had left was Mike and his long distance relationship with Suzie. Null felt bad for him, guilty.

"Anyways since you've played with us, I figured maybe you'd wanna get out of that rotting cabin for a night and come help us out. It'll be a lot of fun. Eddie's a great dungeon master," Dustin promised.

In the meantime, Null was trying to figure out why the name Eddie seemed so familiar. She couldn't think of anyone to fit the name, though she was sure she'd know what it was that was bothering her if she went. Null frowned. It would bother her if she couldn't figure out how she knew whoever this Eddie person was, so in her mind, she'd already made her decision. 

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