Eventually though, I grew tired and drifted off back to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to find a pair of clothes at the end of my bed. Sesshomaru was already awake and gazing at me.

"Good morning," I tell him.

"Feeling better?" He asks.

"After last night's dinner? Definitely. Now I want breakfast," I say, getting up to put on my clothes. I pause and blush as I remember Sesshomaru is still there. I glance at him and he seems to get the hint almost straight away.

"I'll wait outside," Sesshomaru tells me as he exits the room, closing the door behind him.

I smile to myself as I put on a clean purple kimono. I then run my fingers through my hair and join Sesshomaru outside. We make our way to the dining area to find Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo, Shinobu and Jaken already there and eating.

Inuyasha was the first to notice us and then the others as they fall silent. "Well, someone's looking better this morning," Says Miroku with a cheeky grin.

"Nee-chan! You're okay! I was worried," Shinobu says as he runs over to me and throws himself on me in a hug. I wince slightly at the throb of pain and he instantly pulls back.

"I'm alright, itotou, and it's all thanks to Kagome's medical expertise," I add with a smile at the young girl.

"It's no problem, really," She says sheepishly. "Here, you should have some food."

I nod and go to sit next to Kagome with Sesshomaru on my right and Inuyasha on Kagome's other side.

As I start putting food on my plate with chopsticks, Karina jumps onto the seat next to me. Seeing everyone gazing at her curiously, I say, "Her name's Karina."

"She's really adorable!" Kagome compliments. "May I?" I nod my head and she pats my nekomata, who purrs while leaning into Kagome's touch.

"So, care to explain why you teamed up with Naraku?" Inuyasha cuts in as I was eating, ceasing the other chatter.

Sesshomaru sends him a warning glare. I reply, "I knew it was a bad idea but I wanted to take back my home. And Naraku gave me the means to do it. I'm truly sorry for putting you all through such trouble."

"You shouldn't apologise," Kagome says. "You only did what you thought was right. Though maybe next time you shouldn't be so eager to have your arm cut off." Her face turns sheepish at this. I sweat drop at the memory.

"F-Forgive me. I see you use sacred arrows," I point out.

"I do! I'm the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo," Kagome explains, causing my eyes to widen.

"Now I get it. My family on my mother's side have always had a long line of priestesses. We were a very powerful bloodline. But then, a few weeks ago, my and my brother's parents were killed with most of our soldiers by Akio. I'd met Sesshomaru a week before." This shocks everyone.

"Hmph! I still don't get why you chose him! He's evil!" Inuyasha says, arms crossed as he turns his head away.

"I'm not so sure, especially after what we'd witnessed during the fight with Akio," Says Kagome thoughtfully.

"Sesshy-kun is actually really nice. He just has trouble showing it," I say, earning a look from the dog demon.

Inuyasha and Shippo snicker. ""Sesshy-kun"?" The half demon then suddenly jumps up and points to Sesshomaru. "How about you and I finish our fight? Right here and now!"

My eyes flash dangerously before Kagome could give her command and my face darkens as I look to the half demon. "You will not fight each other in my castle, understand, Inuyasha? If you wish to fight, then take it outside!"

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