Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks

Start from the beginning

"Oh come on spill" Hermione says and Y/N sighs

"We we're just acting stupid" Y/N starts "we ended up heading to Milan for the day"

"Wait a minute Milan. Isn't that in Italy" Florence says and Y/N nods

"Bullshit" Ron says with a shocked laugh and Y/N smirks

"I'm not kidding" Y/N says pulling out her phone and pulling up a few pictures of her and Cal and their little adventure in Italy "we went to the floo network and jokingly said let's go to Italy and that's where we ended up. Thank Godric we both knew how to speak Italian otherwise we would have no clue how to get back"

"Wait a damn minute since when do you speak Italian" Hermione says

"Uhh since forever, I did lesson when I was younger" Y/N says and everyone stares at the Ravenclaw shocked "what"

"I don't believe you" Flo says

"è una prova sufficiente per te o ne hai bisogno di più" Y/N says and Hermione is utterly shocked along with the rest of the group minus Harry who already knew this after the Ravenclaw and Callan explained themselves to him. "There's your proof"

"You amaze more each year you know that" Hermione says

"I'm guessing you like when I speak Italian" Y/N says and Hermione grins "Anyways Flo how's loverboy"

Ron whips his head around so fast to Flo that he lifted a small trail of dust "Loverboy, what she on about"

Flo glares at Y/N "I hate you"

Y/N smirks "love you too Flo"

Flo rolls her eyes "His name is Micheal we met over the summer and well, we sort of had a little fling-"

"Congrats Flo," Harry says with a smile and Flo smiles weakly

"We decided to end it shortly after coming to the Burrow," Flo says "but it was just nice to talk to someone that didn't know what was going on in the wizarding world"

"He was a Muggle," Harry says and Flo nods

"I only told Y/N because she knows a lot about muggle music and movies and Micheal was a part of a band"

"And by extension, I told Hermione because she's my girlfriend and I have no secrets from her" Y/N replies and Hermione smiles and kisses her cheek.

"Except for you speaking Italian it seems" Hermione replies and Y/N rolls her eyes

Ron seems awfully quiet and looks a little disappointed however he quickly hides his sombre mood and puts a smile on his face. "Are you okay about you know, ending your relationship with him"

Flo smiles kindly "It's kinda bittersweet, I will miss the fact that he was good in bed-"

"Alright Florence too much information" Harry quickly says and Y/N and Hermione giggle and Ron's face turns a light shade of pink.

"Speaking of bed," Y/N says and looks at Hermione "shall we" Hermione blushes and Ron looks horrified.

"Nope, absolutely not. You two are not having sex in this house" Ron says and Y/N laughs

"Relax Ronald, I meant sleep because I'm actually kinda tired," Y/N says and Hermione laughs and rolls her eyes at the Weasley boy's reaction

"Don't worry Ron, I'll make sure Y/N controls herself?" Hermione says and Y/N scoffs

"Thats so comforting Hermione," Ron says sarcastically and everyone laughs

"Alright goodnight you guys," Y/N says and the others smile

"Night Y/N goodnight Hermione," Flo says

"Goodnight everyone" Hermione replies and the two head downstairs to their room down the hall.

As the couple approaches their room, Y/N has a mischievous look on her face and Hermione eyes her curiously. Suddenly the Ravenclaw lifts Hermione up bridal style and the Gryffindor lets out a small squeal at the action. Y/N laughs as they enter the room and shuts the door behind them with her foot.

Y/N gently places Hermione on the bed and as she does, the Gryffindor girl pulls Y/N on top of her. The Ravenclaw wasn't expecting the action and has a surprised look on her face. Hermione giggles and eventually Y/N does too, their foreheads gently resting on one another. The Ravenclaw stares into Hermione's honey-brown eyes and Hermione gently leans forward and connects their lips for a soft kiss.

"Can you speak more Italian for me" Hermione says and Y/N chuckles

"If I new this was such a turn on for you I would've told you sooner" Y/N says and Hermione giggles and places a peck to the Ravenclaw's lips

"Come on please" Hermione pouts "for me"

Y/N grins "Sei così bello. Ti amo tanto. hai il mio cuore e sei la mia casa."

Hermione giggles "what did you say"

"I said you are so beautiful and I love you so much. You have my heart and are my home." The Ravenclaw says and Hermione blushes and connects their lips together in a passionate kiss.

They both softly moan as they deepen the kiss, neither of them having the urge to go any further. They simply relish in these small moments hoping they can last forever. Y/N breaks from the kiss first and props herself up on her elbows on either side of Hermione as she gently strokes her cheeks with her hands. Hermione simply has her hands loosely around the Ravenclaw's neck and she smiles.

"How are you so perfect" Hermione says and Y/N

"I Love you so much" Y/N just says and Hermione grins

"And I love you more," Hermione says and Y/N chuckles and pecks her lips once more

"I don't think that is possible darling," Y/N says "I fell for you first"

Hermione rolls her eyes "you may have fallen first, but I fell harder"

Y/N grins and tenderly kisses Hermione once more and they continue softly talking and sharing kisses whilst they slowly drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

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