Chapter 12

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I'm currently hanging out with my dad. He just came over out of the blue but I'm not complaining cause he rarely comes over since he and my mom divorced.

"So Lee, tell me what's going on with you?" Dad asks me

"Nothing much," I tell him

"Any boys Greylee?" I blush when he asks me that


"Well there is this one guy whose name is Luca and it's complicated."

"What do you mean It's complicated," he asks me

"Well we do all the relationship things but we are not in a relationship"

"I see well, do you want to be with him?"

"Yes," I say

"Well, then why don't you just ask him right out what are we and go from there Lee."

"Yeah I think I'll just do that"

"Thanks, dad"

"No problem Lee and I want to meet this boy soon"

"Yes Dad"

The doorbell goes off so I get up to go get it. I open the door and see Luca "Hi what are you doing here"

"I just thought I'd come and see you"

"Oh well I'm kinda spending time with my dad right now and if I were you I would leave before he sees you"

"Greylee who is at the door"

"Oh who is this"

"Dad this is Luca my-

What the fuck do I call him my boyfriend we aren't even together so that's a no so I settled for


I could see Luca frown at that

"Ah this is the young man you were talking about" I blush when he said that

"Owen it's nice to meet you, Luca," my dad says and puts his out

Luca takes his hand and says "Luca it's nice to meet you as well Mr. Montgomery"

"Just call me Owen young man no need to be formal"


Authors note:

Word count: 328

Hey guys this chapter is just a filler cause I didn't know what to write for this chapter.

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