Nineteen: Missing

Start from the beginning

Oslac materialised in the grounds of Astrid palace. As soon as the violet magic finished evaporating in the air around him, he turned towards his royal home and ran all the way to the main door. Desperate to get to the communication mirror as quickly as possible, he sped along every grand corridor he had to take to get there. Once he got to his chamber he leant against his closed door to catch his breath. Worry and fatigue mixed uncomfortably within his chest making it ache with every breath he took. Once he felt semi-human again he pushed his door open and headed straight for the mirror that hung upon his wall; the bottom corner was missing, leaving behind a sharp edge.

He held up his light orb and watched his reflection copy his movements in perfect synchronisation. The look within the boy in the mirror's eyes betrayed how distressed he was. He pressed his right hand upon the cold surface of the reflective glass as his light orb shone brighter in his other hand's grasp.

"Beanni!" he called for his friend. "Beanni Draoicis-Lus! Are you there?"

Oslac waited for an answer, he tried to be patient, but the flutter within his chest began to get more wild with each passing minute.

"Beanni Draoicis-Lus!" he snapped at the unmoving picture that graced the mirror. This made his reflection wobble and disappear into darkness. The hard surface then began to vibrate with muffled, angry voices.

"Where have you been?" Oslac could just about make out of the muffled growl that the mirror picked up. He guessed that this angry sound belonged to the head of the Draoicis-Lus family. Dillan's father was at this very moment finding out that his daughter was missing, and just as Dillan anticipated, he was indeed getting the brunt of the man's fearful wrath, for his muffled growl only grew louder.

Oslac pulled his light orb away and stored it back into his pouch, making an eerie silence fall upon his room. There was no use looking for Beanni using the communication mirror, for it was clear that she was nowhere near the shard that he gave her. It was left behind, hidden somewhere in her home. Oslac let out a frustrated sigh then left his room, slamming the door behind him, then darted to find someone who he could ask for help.

"Well?" Lorrus' low growl shook at Dillan's nerves

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"Well?" Lorrus' low growl shook at Dillan's nerves. He opened his mouth to speak but fear silenced him. His father looked past him towards the empty doorway. "Where's Beanni?"

"Sh-she's not here?" is all that Dillan could say in response. On his way home he began to hope that his sister may have been there all along. He hoped so hard that he managed to convince himself that that must be the case. The worry he felt so thickly at the nature garden punched him in the gut again when he saw the angry look in his father's eyes.

"No she's not!" Lorrus snapped, making Dillan jump. "Didn't I tell you that you must walk her home, no exceptions?"

Dillan nodded a timid nod as his father's raised voice rang uncomfortably in his ears.

"Then where is she?"


"You better not be covering for her! You are both supposed to come straight home! Tell me the truth!"

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