"Now Anthony!" I was shouting, but I didn't really care. I knew anger would only fuel that Visitors' powers but we had to leave, otherwise there was no doubt that we would be killed. Archive One was not a place for humans who had any wish to keep their sanity or their lives; whatever Archive One had been built for it was not purely to serve a purpose as an archive.

                Lockwood was staring at me, the colour slowly draining from his cheeks. I gripped his shoulders, shaking him violently.

                "We have to go," I repeated. "Now."

                His eyes began to glaze over and as it dawned on me I felt a sickening horror. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking at something behind me. Something that had rendered him useless with ghost-lock. At some point I must've dropped my rapier; from the corner of my eye I could see it glinting a few paces away, lying on the ground. But I had no idea how close the Visitor was, and one false move could kill us both. My hand furled around the hilt of Lockwood's blade, and I took one deep breath.

                The rapier flashed, cutting through thick tendrils of ectoplasm, splattering my clothes which steamed from the attack. The Visitor loped back in one quick movement, and I gazed in shock as I took in its appearance. It was real, so visibly human that it was almost impossible to believe that it wasn't alive; the plasm that built its body was thick and solid looking, the apparition dressed to the nines in all manner of fur and silk. The hair was grey and curled, reaching down past the man's shoulders. His lips were red, his nose beaked and Roman, and it was only his eyes that gave away that he was no longer alive. They were glowing, giving off a deep, ruby red light unlike any other-light I'd seen before.

                The ghost rushed forward, it's maw wide open, and in it I could see hundreds of squirming maggots, dancing about bits of torn, rotten flesh and-

                The swoop of a rapier cut me from my vision and I whirled away from the attack, relief flooding through me as I saw Lockwood tackling with the Visitor, making each cut with my blade look as comfortable as if he were holding his own. I took the reprieve to catch my breath and scan the room, but I saw no other signs of paranormal activity. I could still hear the crackling static, but despite the ghost's unusual form I couldn't make out any words or sounds that I could attribute directly to it.

                "Luce!" Lockwood was beckoning me over as he stood a few metres away, his feet sliding easily across the floor as the rapier in his hand made all manner of complex patterns around the Visitor. "I need you to get the key card."

                "Where is it?" I asked, sliding Lockwood's rapier through my belt as I neared him. He was breathing hard, his forehead coated in a sheen of sweat.

                "Left pocket," he said, tilting his head toward the front of his jacket. "There's a button. I can't get it undone."

                It was certainly difficult to reach inside his pocket while he was prancing about with the ghost but I somehow I managed it. I sprinted over to the door, Lockwood backing slowly towards me.

                "Are you ready Luce? Open the door on three."

                As Lockwood began to count I watched for other Visitors about the room, but still I could see nothing. The static still played at the edge of my hearing, and I tuned into it warily as I waited for Lockwood to give the final number.


                I swiped down with the key card and the door sucked inwards before sliding aside. I raced through the gap, turning back to see Lockwood throw my rapier at the Visitor, the blade sailing through the air and then the ectoplasm. Lockwood barrelled into me and we both tumbled to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs. I tried to sit up, gasping, but after having rolled a fair way some of my limbs seemed to be stuck under Lockwood and others of his were wrapped around me. I gazed down at him, my eyes wide with shock. We'd got out. We were both alive. How was that even possible?

                It was exhilaration that glinted in Lockwood's gaze; exhilaration and pride as he looked at me, with just a little hint of something more mischievous. Locating my arm from somewhere amidst our knot of limbs I ran my fingers across his face; touching his cheeks, his eyebrows, his lips. Then, ever so softly, I pressed my mouth to his.

                "Mr Lockwood and Ms Carlyle. Get up off the floor this instant and explain yourselves."

                It was the unmistakable voice of Inspector Barnes.

Hi everyone :)

I'm sorry it's been a while since I updated but it was my first week back at school and I had a test and three assignments to hand in, so I've been pretty stressed out.

I will try to update at least once a week for you now that it's no longer holidays, and I'm sorry I can't give you more, though I will try my best.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed reading it! What do you think of Archive One? What could it possibly be for? And what on earth is Inspector Barnes going to say???

Thankyou for all your beautiful comments and votes. They make me smile (and sometimes laugh :D) and you are the most supportive readers I have ever had, so I can't thankyou enough. Your support is what makes me want to keep writing, and anytime I feel it's not good enough I just go back and read your comments and keep going. You guys are awesome :)

Love you all and thanks for reading,

WriteMirage Xx

The Shimmering Wraith (Lockwood and Co. Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz