III. "Sensitivity" (Ralph)

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Friday evening, 8:45 PM
Location: Skating Rink

Y/n and her best friends, Eva and Keisha were out having a good time at the skating rink downtown, music blaring while they were skating, laughing and grooving at the same time. Suddenly, y/n's ex-boyfriend, Roland, showed up out of the blue, calling and beckoning for her from behind the rails --

"I'll be back y'all", she called to her friends while she had a confused look on her face. As close as y/n and her friends were, growing up in the same neighborhood and going to the same schools, they always protected and been there for each other, no matter what, so they kept skating and keeping an eye on her -- they never liked Roland, and felt like y/n could do better, but of course, y/n has to make her own decisions. As y/n rolled over to him, she steadily broke her speed and stopped in front of him.

"What is it Roland? You stalkin' me now? Why are you even here?!" she snapped at him. Roland stared into her eyes and sternly responded,

"Look! We need to talk in private and it can't wait before you say anything else."

"What? You crazy? I'm not going anywhere with you. We're not together anymore."

"Look, I'm not gonna repeat myself again. Just -- just hear me out, please. It's important, he begged."

Y/n sighed, looked over at her friends and back at him. Her and Roland had been together for a year and a half and had just recently broken up 2 weeks ago because of the constant fighting and arguing. Time and time again, she would catch him cheating on her with different women and when the opportunities presented themselves for confrontation, they were at each other's necks, he'll hit on her, she'll hit on him. They would break up, make up, make promises, and break up again -- the same ol' process. Enough was enough so she called it quits and broke it off for good. It took her a while to realize that she couldn't change him and they were toxic to each other, but she did love him. Apparently Roland couldn't take a hint, so he was willing to do anything to win her back and do right by her this time but that is all up to y/n.

"Fine. But you got 2 minutes to say what you need to say, no longer than that."

"Fair enough. Follow me."

Y/n took off her skates, put on her shoes and followed him outside. While outside, Roland was trying to go around the back of the building, but y/n stopped him, snapped her fingers and said,

"Uhh naw, nun uh! We standin' right here in the front around witnesses just in case you wanna try some shit."

Roland smirked and stopped in the front. "You still feisty as hell. That's what I loved about you", all while trying to stroke her cheek. Y/n pushed his hand away and said,

"Roland, stop! What's so important? Remember, you got 2 minutes. I'm not playin'".

"Aight, damn!" He took a deep breath and said, "Y/n, listen. I know we've had our differences, but -- I miss you damnit. I need you back in my life. Ever since -- " Before he could finish, y/n held her hand up and cut him off,

"Stop, just stop. I don't wanna hear anymore."

"Damn, it wasn't even 30 seconds! Why you cut me off?!"

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