II. "Something In Your Eyes" (Ricky)

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**This story is per request by one of my followers**

Saturday night, 9:30 PM

Y/n was out with her boyfriend, Marcus of 6 months on a date, just now coming out of the movies. The entire night, y/n was quiet, not saying one word to him. While they was in the car, Marcus driving, he looked over at y/n and asked her,

"Man, what's wrong with you? You ain't said nothing to me all night since we been out."

Y/n kept gazing out of the window, arms folded still not talking. Marcus was furious and said to her,

"Shit y/n! If you don't answer me, I'll take yo' ass home and skip dinner 'cause you acting real ungrateful right now."

Before he knew it, y/n snapped at him,

"Me?! Ungrateful? I don't see you or hear from you in 3 weeks and you think texting me at the last minute and taking me out without an explanation is ok? How else am I suppose to feel with that? You don't even touch me the same anymore."

Marcus stopped at a red light, looked over at her and replied,

"I told you -- I work and got other shit going on. I don't owe you no explanation. I'm tired of you jumping down my throat."

"Seriously Marcus?! You've been acting real funny for a while now
and I'm tired of arguing with you. Just take me home."

The light turned green and Marcus mashed his foot on the gas and said sternly,

"Fine, I'll take yo' ass home then if that's what you want. I'm not fixing to argue with you."

Seconds later, Marcus's iPhone buzzed in the cupholder -- luckily, y/n quickly glanced over and seen a call coming from someone named 'Tasha', followed by a text message with kissing emojis. Y/n curled her lips and shook her head, Marcus hurriedly grabbing it.

"Hmph. One of yo' floozies?"

Marcus looked at his phone, placed it on his lap and replied,

"Man, whatever."

They were pulling up to y/n's apartment -- as he stopped in the front, y/n opened the door, slammed it and said, "It's over. Don't even contact me anymore." Marcus sped off before she could make it up the unit steps. Tears began to well up in her eyes while she was unlocking the front door. As she walked inside, she closed the door, locked it, leaned up against it, took a deep breath and sobbed quietly, tears flowing down her cheeks. She was so tired of how Marcus kept treating her. Seconds later, y/n laid on the couch in the front room, grabbed her phone out of her purse and texted Ricky, a guy she been putting in the 'friend zone' for a while now.

Y/n: Hey, are you busy?

No answer.

Y/n waited a while for his response, but he didn't reply back yet, so she got up, went to her bedroom, undressed into her sexy black see-through teddy, walked back to the front room and turned the tv on. While lying stretched out on the couch watching Martin, her phone dinged -- it was Ricky.

R: On my way home from the club with the guys. What's up?

Y/n replied back:

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