"Saturday: Trixie's birthday"

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A/N: now this I know you'll be squealing at but in the end will probably be a down in the dumps. Enjoy readers!

Parties were always one of the things CHS loved to do, especially if the party is made by Pinkie Pie. Her friends were surprised she actually wanted to make a party for Trixie.
They weren't exactly friends with Trixie but thought it was sweet she let Rainbow Dash come to her party and could invite her friends.
It was real late and the moon was shining more than ever. It looked beautiful.
They were being drive by Buckley as he drove the girls to Trixie's party.
"So I just make a right after this?" He asked Applejack as she was sitting next to him.
"Yep. Then after that is another right as of we're lucky, we might have found it." She said.
The others were in the back as weren't exactly that comfortable. My he second row of seats only had Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie sat there and in the back had no seats so Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer had to sit in the trunk kinda.
"You guys comfortable there?" Pinkie asked smiling.
They all nodded.
"I know you guys are gonna like the party."
"I still can't believe you did it for Trixie." Fluttershy said.
"Well, everyone deserves a party, even if they are big meanies."
That was one thing special about Pinkie Pie. No matter who was mean, she still does everything she am to be friendly.
"I just hate I couldn't find an outfit for the occasion." Rarity said.
"I'm sure no one will be in party clothes except Trixie." Twilight said.
"Yeah. After all, it is her party." Sunset Shimmer said.
"I know. I'm just saying I wish I could have picked something."
Rainbow was quiet the whole time. Maybe letting Applejack being Buckley was a really bad idea. But she wants Applejack happy, even of she can't tell her feelings or have her. A smile from her was all she ever needs.
"Hey um, Trixie's house is the one that playing loud music right?" Buckley asked as they drove up to a house that was huge and had flashing light, lots of people, an loud pop music.
"That's it! That's it!" Pinkie Pie jumped up and down in her seat.
Buckley parked his car and they got out amazed by how Pinkie did. She kept telling them to air inside.
Buckley went to the back of his car and open the trunk letting them out. The only one who stayed there for a moment was Rainbow Dash. She didn't even realized they were there.
"You okay Rainbow?" Applejack asked as she joined her boyfriend and best friend.
She looked and saw where they were. "Yeah. I'm fine." She got out and stood on her feet. Before anything else, she noticed how Applejack was trying TJ get the boxes of Fizzy Apple Coder out and was having a hard time. "Here, let me help." She said reaching for a box and grabbed two.
"Thanks Rainbow." She smiled.
Buckley continued to carry the rest and they all walked up to the front and were amazed of where Trixie lives. It was white mansion and it was beautiful as the lights were everywhere.
They continued walking and had a hard time squeezing in with some people. They made it inside as Pinkie Pie opened the front door and showed one of the best parties they've ever seen her do.
There were a few balloons everywhere mostly blue, white, and purple, there were two tables of different things which were food, and presents, there was a pink and shiny disco ball above the ceiling, and there was a stage of where Trixie stand playing her song "Tricks up my sleeve" as DJ Pon-3 played it up high and loud for them to dance.
"What do you think?" Pinkie said.
"You did an amazing job Pinkie!" Twilight said.
"Yeah. I especially liked the disco ball." Sunset Shimmer said
"From now on, you're my party planner!" Rarity hugged her.
"You did awesome Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow gave her a high five.
"Thanks! Now let's party hardy!" She ran into the crowd going insane with everyone.
Applejack, Buckley, and Rainbow Dash placed the boxes onto the table of food and began to listen to Trixie's song as she played it.
"You better believe, I got tricks up my sleeves,
See me dominate,
Cause I'm powerful and great!" She finished her song as fireworks came out and spread everywhere. Everyone cheered of her performance.
She put the mic closer to her and said "Thank you all for coming to the great and powerful Trixie's birthday party. I like to thank Pinkie Pie for making this happen."
Everyone cheered for the silky pink girl and continue to party.
Buckley took Applejack's hand and asked "Wanna dance?"
"Yeah. Let's go!"
The couple walked onto the dance floor and dance to their hearts.
Rainbow Dash watched her friend and her boyfriend cutting the dance floor. She wished she would be the one dancing with Applejack.
She felt a hand touch her shoulder and saw the birthday girl give her a smile. "I didn't think you would show up." She said.
"Well I did. Thanks for inviting an happy birthday."
"Thanks and you're welcome. I just hope this is making ya feel better with your problems."
Dash wasn't so sure about that.
"I think so." She lied.
Trixie began to look on the dance floor watching Applejack and Buckley dancing. "I'm shock Applejack has a boyfriend. She's gotta be one lucky girl."
Rainbow frowned. "Yeah. I thinks she is."
"Oh, I'm gonna go open some presents. See ya!" Then Trixie left the depress girl to her gifts.
Rainbow wanted to cry, but she felt she wasn't going to let Buckley ruin her night jut because he's dancing with the girl she's always dream of having in her life.
She didn't think through and decided to grab a Cider and just drank it down her throat, loving the taste of apples.
Some girls around were passing out some delicious looking little cakes that had a frosting of a dark pink rose in the middle. Some people took some of own or two. Pinkie Pie on the other hand took the whole tray.
"Pinkie Pie darling." Rarity said. "Don't you think you can only have one?"
"Oh come on. They're not drugs. They're just something sweet I've invented." She said.
"Can I have one?" Fluttershy asked.
Pinkie Pie smiled and placed one in her hands and watch her give it a try.
Fluttershy smiled at the taste. "It's delicious."
"Ooh pass one here." Sunset Shimmer smiled reaching for one in Pinkie's hands. When she did, she looked up and saw Twilight talking to an old friend.
"It's good to see you again."
"It's good to see you too Flash." She said feeling a little.
"Hey you feel like dancing?"
"Yeah. I love to."
Then Flash took Twilight by her hand and led her to the dance floor to dance. She certainly looked happy.
Sunset Shimmer looked so sad. She felt her heart break into a millions pieces like how Rainbow Dash has been feeling.
She felt hand places her shoulder. "You alright darling?"
"I'm fine Rarity." She lied, trying to smile.
Applejack and Buckley were kicking it hard on the dance floor. Having the time of their lives. Rainbow continued to drink more Fizzy Apple Cider feeling angry go through her.
Applejack began to jumped backwards when she accidentally bumped into someone by mistake. She looked at the person a little embarrassed and said "Sorry about that."
"It cool AJ." She said with a grin on her face. Which was strange. Applejack has never seen her before.
"Wait, are you new here?" She asked.
"Been new since like two weeks ago." She said. But instead of Applejack wanting to know who she was, she began to dance back into the crowd.
"You know her?" Buckley asked.
"No but I've never seen her before. Which is weird."
"Hey AJ!" Pinkie Pie bumped into them two. "Want a cake thingy?"
Applejack at Pinkie silly dancing. "Sure just be still for a second."
Pinkie stopped her dancing so she and Buckley could get a piece.
"Thank you." She said.
She and Buckley began to take a bite and were amazed.
"This is good!" Buckley said.
"Thanks! I made it myself."
"What's in this stuff?"
"I can't tell you that! Then it wouldn't be a secret!" Then she continued serving and dancing at the same time.
Applejack laughed. "Only Pinkie Pie." She took another bite and almost choke it out when Trixie jumped on her randomly.
"Hey AJ!" She said looking a little funny.
"You okay Trixie?"
"Yeah. I just wanna thank you for coming and bringing the Apple Cider. You guys serve the best ones."
"Your welcome."
"And it's an honor meeting your boyfriend..."
"Buckley." He said.
"Buckley. Hi. And hey if you find Rainbow Dash into another bathroom crying, tell me so I can fix it." Then she left walking really weirdly.
The friends huddled up and hugged each other having the best night.
But then, Applejack notice two of them were missing. "Hey has anyone seen Rainbow Dash or Twilight?"
"Twilight is dancing with Flash Sentry." Rarity said. "Rainbow Dash I have no clue."
"She's not in any of the bathrooms." Fluttershy said. "I know cause I accidentally walked into a boy and girl kissing."
"Dang, Trixie's party is getting down than a party for the after life of a pig." Buckley said making the girls laughed.
Sunset Shimmer remain to look upset as she watch Flash and Twilight dancing.
The rest of them continued to dance as Buckley went off to get some punch for him and Applejack.
Suddenly, Applejack's eye was lucky when she found someone laying against the wall with a lamp head over her head and had loads of Fizzy Apple Cider everywhere.
She walked over and shook her saying "Hey Rainbow. You okay?"
She didn't respond back.
"Rainbow Dash come on. How many--"
She received a groan. Rainbow Dash took off the lamp head and looked up to Applejack with a green face. "I-I think I'm gonna hurl."
Applejack's eyes widen and she immediately grabbed Rainbow's arm and lead her upstairs telling her to hold it in.
As they walked up the stairs, Sunset Shimmer remain to be the only one sitting by herself. Twilight finally noticed her and told Flash she would be back. She walked to Sunset Shimmer with worried look on her face. "Hey." She said getting Sunset's attention. "You alright?"
She began to notice her eyes were full of tears an she tried to whip them away. "I'm fine.. I just..." Sunset didn't know what to do. She looked into Twilight's purple eyes and blushed.
"Can we talk for a moment?"
Applejack did everything she can to find Rainbow Dash a bathroom but they were full of either people actually using it or kissing. She found a bedroom but also saw two people, a boy and a girl, kissing.
"Get out." She said not thinking.
The couple ran out as they notice Rainbow was about to puke. Applejack rushed her into the bathroom.
Rainbow ducked her head into the toilet and spitted out some vomit and other stuff Applejack wouldn't want to explain one day. She pulled her rainbow hair back so she wouldn't get it ruin.
Rainbow began to hold her hair and do it herself. Applejack stood on her feet and walked to the drawer the was in the room. There were loads of pictures there. She picked up one with a family photo of Trixie. She do look pretty happy.
"I wonder if they're alright with this party." She said.
But when she turns around noticing Rainbow wasn't puking, she was her brushing her teeth. "Ew! Rainbow that is someone's tooth brush!"
"So? My mouth tastes gross." She said.
Applejack only chuckled and look into the other pictures. She was so amazed by so many of them.
While she was looking, with Rainbow acting strange, she walked over the bed without thinking and locked the door.
Applejack heard the lock and looked back and saw Rainbow sitting on the bed on her knees. "Rainbow what are you doing?"
"Nothing." She looking playful. She almost looked like a kid.
"How many bottles of Apple Cider did you have?"
Rainbow thought for a moment looking silly, kinda what Trixie look like. "I say.... I don't know." Then she giggled and fell backwards on the bed.
Applejack just shook her head and said as she walked to the door "I think we better--" but she was cut off when she felt the door knob unable to twist and open.
She look at Rainbow and saw her the key in her hands as waved it funny.
She sighed "Rainbow give me the key."
"Nope." She hid it behind her smiling like Pinkie pie usually does.
Applejack went back to the front of the bed to face Rainbow Dash with a serious look.
Rainbow giggled. "You look serious."
"Cause I am. Give me the key."
Rainbow grinned at the cowgirl. "You want it?" Then she placed it in her shorts pocket. "You gotta get it."
She tried reach for Applejack and she moved her upper part of her body backwards a little.
She giggled. "Oh come AJ." She lifted up to her knees and was at the same length at Applejack and began to play with her hat. "I'm not gonna bite you." She began to leave the hat alone and mess with Applejack's blond locks gently.
Applejack was a little nervous of Rainbow's behavior. "What game are going at?"
Rainbow didn't respond with words. Instead, to surprised her cowgirl friend, she began to place her lips on top of hers. And this wasn't a dream. Rainbow was really kissing Applejack happily.
Applejack's eyes were widen for a moment. She was so surprise of what Rainbow was doing. This wasn't her, was it? Applejack began to smell Rainbow's breath and realized something.
She pulled away for a moment about to say something, but Rainbow stopped her by kissing her again. She began to play with Applejack's lips as they barley moved. They were kinda still of being shock. She then started to dug her tongue inside Applejack's mouth and started to have a tongue war. Dash seemed to be winning mostly. The feeling was so good, Applejack couldn't help but play with the war a little.
Rainbow stopped kissing her for a moment and saw her breath heavily as her eyes were close. Applejack didn't even notice they were closed. Rainbow Dash began to lay backwards on the bed holding Applejack's wrists, wanting her to go with her.
Without thinking, Applejack began to be on top of Rainbow Dash and gave her kisses away to her. She was breathing so heavy and moaning a little softer. Rainbow wanted to hear her moan louder, so she pressed lips harder onto Applejack's making her entire tongue be in her mouth.
She started to take off her blue jacket and threw it on the floor. She took off Applejack's hat and then began to unbutton her shirt. But before she went further, she found a way to pushed Applejack into the bed and continued to kiss her.
Applejack lightly put her hand on Rainbow's cheek petting it. Rainbow continued to unbutton Applejack's shirt to reveal her bra and breasts.
To finally catch some breath, Rainbow stopped kissing Applejack for a moment. She thought she looked hot for how she wanted more of this amazing feeling. She looked up as realized something on Applejack. Her ears of being a pony were being shown, like when they play music or when they stopped Sunset Shimmer from becoming a she demon. She was also having her tail halfway on the bed. She smiled of how Applejack looked so desperate.
She began to kiss her neck gently and lick it making the cow girl moan a little louder. She also started to moan but it wasn't sweet like Applejack's. Then she began to have we pony ears, tail, and her wings shown. That could only mean one thing.
Rainbow began to suck Applejack's neck making her hold Rainbow down with her arms. That's her way of wanting more. She stopped sucking her neck and kiss her way down to Applejack's bra. She smelled her bra and realized they do smell like apples. Sweet apples.
She kissed her boobs at first but then started to lick them that was so much lovely pleasure was made to Applejack.
She moaned no matter what Rainbow did. She loved every kiss, every lick, every feeling, every moaning....
But then her eyes widen and she pushed Rainbow off her "STOP!"
Rainbow fell to the floor since Applejack is strong. But she remain awake.
Applejack's ears and tail disappear as she got her off. So did Rainbow's. She begin button her shirt back together but Rainbow stopped her as she crawled back onto the bed and tried getting another kiss from Applejack. But Applejack's hand stopped her as she pushed her off by her chest. "I said stop Rainbow!"
"Come on AJ." Rainbow grinned at Applejack. "You know you like it."
"Rainbow looked at me." She got a hold of Rainbow with her arms. "This isn't you. You're drunk."
"I'm not drunk. If don't feel quinsy."
"Rainbow your breath smells like drugs. I would know for a fact."
"Yeah so what?" She tried again but Applejack kept stopping her.
"So, you remember now that I have a boyfriend, remember?"
"That lame-o? He doesn't make sense Applejack. Does he make you feel good? Does he help you with any problem you use you could solve? Well? Does he?!"
"It doesn't matter what he does! You're not lesbian!"
"So what if I am!"
"Well I'm not!"
"That's why you like it this whole time?"
Applejack would admit to herself, it did feel nice, but she began to believe the breath of Rainbow is what caused her to continued.
"Quit being something you're not AJ."
Before Rainbow could let her talk, she kissed her again and caught her for only four seconds.
This time, the pain came back, except it was physical.
Applejack pushed Rainbow Dash and used her left hand to slapped Rainbow Dash's cheek and made her fall to the floor.
Dash looked up to her friend as she saw anger in her eyes.
"When I say no, it means no! Understand?! You and I aren't meant to be, you can't be lesbian, and there's no future for us together! Get it?!"
Rainbow didn't respond. She looked so upset and felt the pain through her cheek and heart. She began to feel the tears water up from her eyes.
Applejack began to feel guilt. She slapped her best friend all for being drunk. If only she never took a drink, no of this would have happen, right? Her heart began to break the more she looked at Rainbow.
She sighed. "Rainbow I... I didn't mean to..."
Rainbow stood on her feet and felt the anger spread through her as she yelled "How would know who I am?! How would you?! You're already a bad friend of how you always use Buckley against me! You're not anywhere being a friend! You're a big whore!"
Her heart broke. All the pieces fell down to her stock hearing Rainbow say that.
Rainbow couldn't believe what she just said. But she knew she couldn't be there anymore so she grabbed her jacket and began to unlock the door.
"Rainbow wait!"
But she was too late as Rainbow slammed the door and left.
She ran past so many people and grabbed three bottles of Apple Cider. Only Fluttershy notice her pacing.
"Rainbow Dash?"
Rainbow walked out of the house leaving a worried Fluttershy behind.
Applejack didn't move after that. She didn't feel like there was any intention to. Especially cause she one, is wet a over, two, has a hickey on her neck, and three, she feels real immobilize.
Suddenly, the door open and revealed the blond cowgirl all by herself.
"There you are AJ." Buckley smiled to see she was okay.
She didn't look back at him or even said hello. She couldn't. She was now afraid to face him.
He frowned, a little worried, and then walked to his girlfriend and sat on the bed with her. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." She finally spoke.
Buckley continued to try and look at her face, but when she tried to look away to hide her tears, she only revealed the hickey that remain on her neck. He began to grow anger in his system. "Did someone tried to rape you?"
"Not exactly."
He began to become more mad but confuse.
"Then what do you mean?"
We couldn't hold it anymore and she looked back at him with a worried look at the tears fell. "I'm sorry Buckley, but Rainbow Dash was on drugs and I brought her up here cause she needed to throw up. Then the next thing I know, she starts to kiss me and..." she wasn't so sure if he was understanding. But she still continued. "And I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen so I slapped her cheek and she, she just left. I must be a horrible girlfriend. I'm sorry." She closed her eyes and waited for the yelling to happen. She can't blame him if he's angry.
But Buckley didn't do anything. he just saw how much his girl was being upset. He smiled and placed his hand on Applejack's shoulder making her look up at him with her big eyes.
"Applejack, Rainbow was drunk and I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to do any of... that stuff... and there are a lot of people drunk now so it's not exactly just hurt. But I don't think you should have slapped her though."
"I know. I wasn't myself."
"And I think she'll understand when she's out of the drugs, you'll both be friends again. It'll be okay."
Applejack smiled at and gave him the hug of the night. This was one reason he was special. He knows there would be a good side for everything. But there was one problem. Why doesn't Applejack feel the spark she feels around Rainbow Dash?
Just when she was about to say something, they both heard screaming from downstairs.
"That sounded like Rarity!" Applejack began to worry.
Then she and Buckley got off the bed and ran out of the room and down the stairs to see some people huddling around her as she looked terrified and was immobilized.
Applejack only saw Pinkie and tap her shoulder to get her attention. "Pinkie, what's going on?"
"I don't know. Rarity just screamed outta nowhere." She said.
"I saw it!" She screamed. "And it is the most, impossible, undeniable, unusual thing I wish not to see again!" Then she fainted into a boy's arms.
Everyone did what they can to comfort her.
Applejack had the feeling she just saw the worst outfit instead. She looked back at Buckley and asked "Hey, can we head home? I don't exactly want to be here anymore than I have to."
"Yeah. Let's go."
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they both walked out of the house leaving the crowd alone.
Their car ride wasn't much of a talking moment for them. They were silent the whole.
Applejack only looked out the window looking at their surroundings. She felt pretty bad for what she did to Rainbow by hitting her. Although it was strange. When she was being kissed by Rainbow, she felt a weird spark in her. And when Buckley out his arm around her shoulders went they left, she felt nothing.
"I hope your friend is okay." Buckley said breaking their silence. "I mean, she do look like my little sister when she got we first kiss."
Applejack didn't respond quick enough cause when she looked up, she saw trash and covering some light blue skin legs laying on the cold concrete.
"Buckley stop the car." She said worried.
He didn't know why but he stopped for her.
She immediately ran out of his car and ran towards the trash cans only to see Rainbow Dash laying there, looking dead almost.
She turned Rainbow Dash over and saw she was still breathing. "Rainbow are you okay?"
Buckley came out of the car and saw his girl holding her friend. "Oh god."
"Rainbow what happen?"
But then she had her answer when she had blood on her fingers. It came from in between Rainbow Dash's legs. That's when she began to panic.
"Buckley, call 911!"
"But I don't have my cell phone."
"I-In.. my... j-jacket..." Rainbow said weakly.
Applejack began her search and found it in one of the pockets. Then she passed the phone to Buckley so he could make the call. When she looked back, she saw Rainbow Dash didn't look so well.
"Hey! Rainbow! Don't you dare close your eyes Rainbow! We're going to get you some help okay?! Just.." She felt she could cry seeing her best friend like this.
Rainbow knew she might not have time to say it, so she showed it. She lifted her hand to face it in front of Applejack. Applejack always thought it was their secret handshake they've kept since Freshman year, she put her hand in Rainbow's hand.
Rainbow had a good grip on her hand and placed the cowgirl's hand onto her chest, making her feel her heart beat go.
Applejack felt more like crying when she felt that. She began to feel the spark again.
"All those things... I did tonight.... and all those things I said.... weren't the drugs talking." She said sadly.
Rainbow didn't seem to have time to explain, as she closed her eyes and stopped breathing.
Applejack's eyes widen when she stopped. She tried shaking her and repeated her name over and over, but nothing worked.

A/N: I'm crying my eyes out doing this. It's a sad part. But don't worry the story is so not over. I'll try to finish the next one. Have a good night y'all!

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