Chapter 2 Interview?

Start from the beginning

Lunox:Im sorry ok??? Your interview is tm!! (┳Д┳)

Natan:You little

*Natan pinched lunox cheeck hard"

Lunox:ow ow!! Natann im sorryyy!! Waa!

*Then natan let go*

Lunox:but you really need a job it wont be hard to try! Come on

*Natan sigh and just agrees*

Natan:Hope it goes well atleast

*With Aamon*

Secretary:Heres people will be going to the interview tm

*Aamon checking the details then he saw one caught hes attention*

Aamon:Hm. Natan? Hes an alpha?

Secretary:Yes sir

Aamon's pov.
Strange. I swear i smelled a bit a heat on him before he ran away.

Aamon:Alr then take the others I need to check on this one first

Secretary:Alr sir

*Secretary tooks the other away, While aamon takes a look at natans details*

Aamon's pov.
Hm hes cute I gotta admit but strange. My sense isnt always wrong hes Pheromones is like an omegas. Damn it Aamon why you suddenly interest on a guy just forget it

*Aamon put the details away and he gets back to work*

*Next day the day of the interview everyone finished it including natan*

Natan's pov.
Im actualy hoping i wont get it besides i'd rather Go work for someone else then work for a bastard boss tch

Random guy:Excuse me


Random guy:Are you an alpha?

Natan:Ah yes I am

Random guy:Woah really? You look so handsome

Natan:Aw ty and your cute i must say

Random guy:! T-ty

*As the guy blushed while natan just patted hes head hes good at handling these type of people*

Random guy:! Ah hello boss!


*Natan dint noticed aamon was behind he relize it and just stays quiet*

Aamon:Go back to work boy

Random guy:Yes boss!

*The guy run off to go back to work thats left aamon and natan*

*Aamon kept glaring at him while natan was sweating*

Natan's pov.
Ah he regconize me doesn't he- sht.

Aamon's pov.
Hm he has good body and waist i must say for an alpha.
(Pervert (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ)

Natan:Uhm. May i help you sir?.

*Natan just smiles at him while aamon just rolled hes eyes and ignored him*

Natan's pov.
Bastard, a real big bastard i must say tch.

Gusion:Ehh its you again??

Natan:? Ah gus am i right?

Gusion:Yeah so nice to see you again bro!!

Natan:Nice to see you again

Aamon:You two know eachother?

*Aamon suddenly was infront of them natan got jumpscare a bit*

Gusion:Yeah brother! Hes the one helped me yesterday!

Natan's pov.

Aamon:Ah I see

*Aamon looked at Natan*

Natan's pov.
Hes looking at me again damn sht-

*Gusion was a bit confuse then realize*

Gusion(whisper):Oooo brother did you just found your typeee?

Aamon:Gusion stop it And this guy is an alpha

Gusion:Ehhh??? He is? I thought you were a omega!

Natan:Hahhahahaah funny joke- i gtg now sorry byee

Gusion:huh wait mister na-

"Natan has already gone*

Gusion:Ehh where did he run off too!!

*Aamon just goes away to hes office,Gusion followed him*

Gusion:To bad hes an alpha do you two would make a good couple tbh, really thought he was an omega do he looked like one but handsome do

Aamon:I thought he either cause of yesterday

Gusion:yesterday?? Dont tell me you were rude to him thats why he was acting like that aamon!!

Aamon:Im always rude gusion shut up im not interested in omegas or anyone is just waste of time

Gusion:jeez your no fun brother, atleast get a bf for once you can try mister natan yk even as alpha hes still looking good ykk

Aamon:Just shut up before i beat the sht out of you, go to your stupid bf or whatever!

Gusion:Ehh hes not stupid brother!

Aamon:Whatever get out!


*Gusion storm off hes office and slam the door*

Aamon's pov.
Even gus think he was an omega huh.

to be continued..

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