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I cracked a tired eye open, and looked up at the sky, seeing stars, beyond the clouds, illuminating the dark night sky. I could hear cries of a woman from outside, and I could hear Lori and Rick crying. That's when it hit me, and I stood up as fast as I could, without thinking.

When I so recklessly did so, I let out a heart-breaking yelp, and emitted pained whines. I pushed myself up the rest of the way, and slowly moved forwards, towards the steps.

I hopped, my right front leg first, and then my back two, avoiding putting any sort of pressure on my left leg. I winced, as my side felt as though it had been lit on fire, over and over again. I could feel the thick layers of mud, that matted my once shiny, and soft coat.

I hoped that Carl was okay. I really did. It was my fault that it had happened. If it wasn't for me, if I kept Sophia where Rick left us, if I didn't let her leave, we would probably be off the highway by now, and we would be safe and sound. Sophia would be alive, Carl wouldn't have been shot. Everyone wouldn't be so distraught.

I reached the first step, and jumped up, my paws leaving a bloody trail behind me. I crawled my way up the rest of the once white steps, and let myself collapse on the floor once again. I was starving, and really thirsty. My whole body ached from exhaustion, and I let out a final exasperated cry, before letting myself fall into the trap of sleep.

Pain. That's all I could feel when my eyes let the tiniest amount of light in. The pain was unbearable compared to before. I didn't have the effort to move. I let out heart-wrenching cries, hoping someone would hear me.

To my relief, I saw a young woman with short brown hair, "Daddy, come quick, and bring your medical gear" she called out with a southern accent present in her voice. "Hi girl, I'm Maggie, everything is gonna be fine okay." All I could do was look at Maggie, pleadingly. She could clearly see the pain displayed in my eyes, and I soon saw an old man, with white hair emerge from the house. He looked shell-shocked to say the least. I'm not surprised though, the state I must look. My cries, had turned into small whimpers, as Hershel, I learned, checked over me for any major life-threatening injuries that needed to be tended to first. "Maggie, you are gonna have to help me out here, because Patricia is too sad right now to do so."

Hershel, treated my paws first, gently cleansing them, before putting bandages on them, when he reached my injured leg, I let out many cries, and the next thing I knew, I saw black spots blurring my vision.

My leg felt alot better, as did my side. I also had substantially a lot more energy, but I was still in the same spot outside. I pushed myself, until I was stood, and looked down at my paw, that was wrapped up tightly. I limped over to the door, and to my surprise, I was completely silent.

I nudged the door open, with face, and sniffed round. I instantly caught scent, of the two people in my life, who I was willing to die for. I limped, quite fast, and I reached a closed door. I knocked my head into it, seen as though it was my only option. I saw Lori looking around, and then she caught sight of me.

She dropped to her knees, and threw her arms around me, "Oh Finn, I'm so glad you're okay. What you did out there, for Sophia, it was a brave thing to do. And then Carl, Shane was telling me about how you caught him, before he hit the ground. How you alerted the Greene family, so that they could help save Carl's life. I'm so grateful for you." She whispered to me softly, her voice cracking as she got to Carl. I felt her bury her face in my fur, before she brushed herself off, and wiped her tears. "Come on girl, let's go see Rick and Carl."

I padded behind her gently, over to a small bed. On that bed, was a very pale, yet alive Carl. I could see Rick moving out the corner of ny eye, and I pushed my front leg onto the bed. I gently licked his forehead, before resting my face, on the edge, not being able to get myself down. I heard Rick's voice, "I missed you so much Finn. I thought- I thought that you were dead. And then C-arl-.. and then Carl, got shot and I- I- just..." I whined, in response, understanding what he meant.

Finley  -> Rick's DogHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin