Chapter 2

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Hana's P.O.V.

So I found out I was just exaggerating at my training, it was really easy. But not the meditation...

I find it really hard to concentrate when a random meme just pops in my head. Then the realization of not having my phone and unable to access the internet finally hits me. I wasn't able to function for a few weeks after that.

'It breaks my heart you know?'

'It greatly saddens me and has affected my mental health in many ways.'

'Were you even sane in the first place?'


I deeply sighed as I walked down the stairs. I looked around the place and I still haven't spotted any of the elders yet. Figured out that maybe the elders are not up yet and the place still isn't open.

"I should start my clean up routine now. I'm getting used to waking up in the morning and doing stuff anyway."

'Even though I still want to just sleep.'

'Sleep then?'

'Want to get kicked out of here then?'


'Then shut up.'

'Eat a chill pill.'

"Ooohhh... What's this?" As I cleaned up the front desk of the inn. I found a small antique looking box with unique designs at the shelves behind.

'Don't open pandora's box no matter how curious you are.'

'I smell something sweet open it!'

'It's not yours put it back and just clean it up.'

'What if it's a treasure do you wanna die?'

'At a small inn? A treasure-_-?

'I smell the sweet scent of candy brother.'

"Just a peek okay...? It won't hurt right? I'll put it back immediately."
I contemplated and hesitated yet, I still did it anyway. The alluring sweet scent filled my small nose as I opened the small box.

"What? A candy? Kinda big though?" I looked at the round red thing in it, confuse as to why it has to be in a box.

'Is this a secret recipe???'

'I'm pretty sure candies existed here already.'

'Ain't it a pill?'

'Told ya' to take a chill pill yo'

'I wanna eat it.'

'Eat it up, swallow it whole.'


"Huh? You're awake already kid?" Grandpa Li said as he passed by rubbing his eyes.

"Grandpa! Can I please have this candy? Pretty pleaseee?" I said in the most cutest and childish voice I ever did my whole life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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