"Just busy with work..." I shrugged.

"Is everything okay between you and Arnav now?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say to her, was she so oblivious? Was she spying? Or did she genuinely care? It was hard to tell.

"I'm sorry, maybe it's too personal, but I really hope you both would work things out. When Barkha and I set you two up it was because of what we saw, the love you two had for each other, it was after so long I could see Arnav look at someone else like that apart from Sonakshi.

I am so sorry if Sonakshi or I had anything to do with whatever it was that affected you two, but I really do hope you two would find a way to work it out... you two were meant to be together." She said.

"Maybe we weren't, maybe Sonakshi and Arnav were meant to be together and I was someone that came in between them." I said. I stared at her trying to see how she would react, I mean no one knew that Arnav and I were back together apart from the both of us and Manvi and NK, so I just wanted to see if she really cared about the both of us or she was just fishing for some information for her daughter.

Usually I wouldn't be this way, but after everything that happened it was so hard to trust anyone, it was hard to know who was genuine and who wasn't.

"Why would you say that? I mean I am more than happy to have my daughter back, it's like a miracle to me, I love her so much and it's because I love her so much that I know she and Arnav could never be happy together.

Yes Arnav loved her, but he moved on from her and he loves you, he might not know it, he might have not said that to you but I know him since he was a child Khushi, and I know what I saw, I know how he used to look at you, so there is no way I would want him and Sonakshi to be together when he's in love with you.

Sonakshi is my daughter but I've never considered Arnav any less than my son and all I want is happiness for the both of them, for Arnav it's with you, for Sonakshi it would be with someone else or just finding some other purpose with her life." Asha said.

I just stared at her blankly, after what she said I really dint have anything to say in return, maybe whatever she was saying was true, maybe she did care about Arnav and Sonakshi in the same way and if she was genuine about that then it was good, but like I said I just couldn't trust anyone so easily anymore.

"Let's see what destiny has planned for us then. If we were meant to be together maybe, we'll find a way back to each other. But don't you think maybe your daughter still loves him?"

"Maybe she does, but one sided love doesn't really help anyone does it? Anyway it was nice to see you again and I really do hope you and Arnav would find a way back to each other, you both were so happy together."

I just nodded silently, we both stood there looking at each other awkwardly until she excused herself and walked away.


I got home at around 8 at night, when I walked in I found Arnav seated on the sofa watching something on TV. He smiled and came to hug me as soon as I walked in and I held on to him, it was as if this was all I needed, coming home to a tight hug from him.

"You look tired. How about you freshen up and I'll get the table ready, I made dinner." He smiled at me.

"You cooked?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah, Manvi went on a date with NK so I figured you'll come home hungry and tired so I decided to cook, come on now hurry up, I'll warm up the food meanwhile."

"Okay." I nodded as I headed to my room to take a shower, I was really tired actually and if Arnav hadn't cooked, I would have just slept without eating as I didn't have the energy to cook today, I was so glad he was here though, just seeing him and knowing he was around made me feel way better than I felt the whole day.

After I freshened up, I walked back to the hall, he had set up the table and also warmed the food so we sat together and had dinner together.

After we were done, he insisted on doing the dishes and told me to go lay down on my bed silently so I did that, once he was done cleaning up, he came to my room and lied down beside me. I flinched a bit when he lied down beside me, I don't know why I did that but it may be reminded me of that day at his place, the night before Sonakshi came back.

"Hey... don't worry, I don't have any ideas in my mind." He said as he put his arm around me and cuddled me. Okay, this felt nice.

"You don't look okay and I just... I wanted to make you feel better. I'll leave once you're asleep I promise."

"It's okay, you don't have to leave." I sighed.

We both shifted around the bed so we were comfortable and then just lied there silently, just him being there for me was enough and feeling his arms around me felt kind of safe, like I was finally home, and somehow I managed to fall asleep, peacefully. It had been a while since I had fallen asleep this peacefully.

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