"That worked!" He yelled.

We all smiled and cheered quietly. Robin chuckled uncontrollably.

"Okay um... uh—" I slowly spelled out STUCK and heard him say it out loud. A series of "mhm"s came from Steve and Eddie.

"They're stuck in the Upside Down. Uh.. you cant get back through Watergate?"

"What the hell's Watergate?" Steve asked.

I hesitated with my reply. "Cause.. it's... in water.. and it's a gate.."

"That's stupid."

"I know. I told him." I thought of what to write and then spelled out GUARDED. He repeated it back, earning little claps from Eddie.

"Okay- uh.. we think we have a theory that can help with that."

"Genius child." Robin sighed.

"We think Watergate isn't the only gate. That there's a gate at every murder site."

"Does anybody understand what he's talking about?" Nancy shook her head. We all agreed no and I drew a big question mark.

"Okay, seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?" Dustin yells in frustration.

"Jesus Christ. This kid's gotta get his ego in check." Steve muttered.

"It's his tone.. right?" Eddie follows.

"I know."

"Okay. So-so how far is your trailer?" I asked Eddie.

"Seven miles."

"Nancy. Uh- I know your house here is like... weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven't you always had bikes?" Robin suggested.

I wrote a quick message telling Dustin our plan. We all left and got bikes from Nancy's garage and made our way to Eddie's. My ankle was now just sore from the bite but I was able to keep up with everyone.

"Right there." Eddie says as we stop in front of his trailer.

"That's gotta be Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally." Robin chuckled.

"Just inhaled a bunch of that crap." Steve let out a horrible cough. "It's stuck in my throat."

I let out a discusted groan and continued walking. We walked into Eddie's trailer and just as Dustin had said, there was a gate right on Eddie's ceiling.

"Goddamn." Steve panted.

"This is where Chrissy died." Eddie said, slightly frightened. "Like.. right where she died."

"I think theres something in there." I joined.

A weird squelch came from the thin part of the gate where something was poking on it.

"What the hell is that?"

The stick retracted and then with a sudden push, the seal ripped open and all five of us jumped back in fear. Steve slowly approached it, followed by the rest of us. On the other side was Dustin, Lucas, Erica, and Max. Dustin laughed and waved, we nervously said hi back.

"Holy shit this is trippy." Robin says as she gazes at the gate.

The four on the other side left to get a mattress and sheets, making a rope climbing type thing. Lucas and Erica dropped the mattress on the floor, showing about four big stains on the sheets.

"Those stains are uh... I don't know what those stains are." Eddie tried to explain.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey! I just like to drink a lot and a flimsy mattress isn't that sturdy that's all."

"Mhm." I giggle.

Dustin stood on the mattress and threw his DIY rope through the gate. To our surprise, it dropped down normally.

"All right. Pull on it! See if it holds." He yelled.

Robin yanked on it with her full weight and the rope stayed in-tact.

"Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin was the first one to go through.

She made it through successfully and the rest of us hesitated to go next. Eddie gave me a pat on the back and a genuine smile.

"Good luck."

I sent a smile back and climbed up the rope. When I made it to the other side, the gravity changed. I fell onto the mattress and sighed in relief. I sent a glance at Eddie and he went through next.

"Shit." He chuckled as he sat up from the mattress. I put out my hand and helped him up.

I looked through the gate again but Nancy wasn't going through and Steve was trying to wake her up. She was getting a vision.

"Vecna." Max and I say in unison.

"W-what do we do?" Robin asks in a panic.

"I don't know." I replied.

I don't know.

This is the end for now until volume 2 releases. i hope u liked it i know it didn't have too much of eddie and jade and it was pretty much the same as the show but i didn't wanna change anything too much. anyways thank you for reading and goodbye for now!!


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