Chapter 6

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Sonics pov

I was at the police station with Wade and Tom. Wade said as he sighed, "Well this was a twist I can never forget. Mr. Andrews said he doesn't wanna press charges on Flarelight but he agreed to testify against his wife while having a divorce. On the other hand, Tom and I are very relieved you reasoned with Flarelight." I was hesitant but I said, "Well I had to. Turns out she's one of my two childhood friends that I thought I lost. Rika Flora." Tom turn to me and said, "I already know her name buddy. Mr. Andrews told me." I replied, "I see." Wade asked me, "Is she Japanese?" I shook my head and replied, "No that's a name her late mother gave her. At least that's what Jericho said." Tom sighed and said, "It does explain that she was only doing this for Julie." I felt happy that Rika is actually here but the question is how did she get here? Wade then asked, "By the way Sonic. Mr. Andrews is requesting you and the sheriff to also testify against Lacey. I always knew that woman was beyond help." Tom and I agreed to accept Mr. Andrews request. Wade then turn to Tom and said, "It's been a stressful time. But it did finally make a difference for the Andrews. Sheriff why don't you and Sonic go home and rest? I'll make arrangements for court." Tom nodded in agreement and we left. During the way home, Tom and I had a bit of a talk. Needless to say I didn't expect it to quickly be a fun tease. He asked, "So your friend. Are you two close?" I replied, "Rika? She's just a friend. I don't actually think of her that way." Tom smiled and said, "Come on admit you like this girl." I replied with my arms crossed, "No. We're just friends. Tomorrow I gotta ask how she got here." Tom then said playfully, "And what you ask her out?" I sighed, knowing this is just amusing to him. Tom then chuckled and said as we arrived home, "Relax Sonic. I'm just teasing. People do it all the time. Maddie use to tease me sometimes before we fell in love with each other." We got out of the car and walked to the house as I told him, "True but it's not the first time Rika and I were teased. Longclaw and Jericho first teased us about me and her going to be together as soulmates. It was all because I brought her a flower just to be nice." We entered the house and Maddie and Ozzy were at the living room watching the news. I sat down as Maddie greeted us. Maddie asked, "How did it go?" Tom replied to her, "Well turned out our little guy isn't the only one. It turned out it was a girlfriend of his." I said in an embarrassed tone, "Tom! Stop Rika is just my best friend." I was beginning to feel even more embarrassed as I covered my face and blushed, Maddie said, "Ooooohhhh. A lady friend? Sonic you sly dog. What's she like?" I was too embarrassed for this. I then speed up to my room as Tom shouted sympathetically, "Sorry buddy. We're just teasing." I also hear Maddie shouted, "Look I did the same to Tom before I fell for him." I shouted, "Rika and I are just friends." Maddie shouted with sympathy, "I said the same thing when me and Tom first fell in love." I rolled my eyes. This is the beginning of our teasing. Hopefully it won't be severe teasing.

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