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Minho could see him from across the courtyard. Dyed hair hanging over his eyes and shrouding his view. Hand coming up every other minute so he could take a drag of the death stick in his hand. Minho hated it. He hated looking at his-what used to be his best friend and seeing someone so unrecognizable. His usual smile is always hidden by a deadpan look and black clothes covering his now-fit body. He had changed so much in the past 8 months and Minho wasn't there to watch.

Han Jisung was someone else now and Minho will regret letting him slip away for the rest of his life.

"I know you miss him but now's not the time to be making sad eyes at Jisung," Minho's current best friend elbowed him in the side to get his attention. Minho looked away as Jisung started to bring his hand up for another drag.

"It's dumb," Minho said picking up his stuff and following Changbin to the vending machine. Changbin had a problem with banana milk.

"It's not our fault he refuses to talk to us. It's not like you were the one to blame him," Changbin had given Minho this speech 80 million times but the older would never listen.

"Yeah but we didn't stop others from blaming him," Minho pointed out, not stopping his gaze from finding their forgotten friend once more. But Jisung was walking away, two of his new friends flanking his sides.

"Nothing we could have done would have stopped Chan from being an asshole," Changbin snapped his fiery gaze meeting Minho's guilty one. The sound of Changbins milk dropping from the vending machine was the only thing that brought them out of their contest.

"Asshole at 12 I will meet you after school," Before Minho could protest Changbin took off and a new presence was behind him. He turned around only to come face to face with a smiling Chan.

"Hey, Min. I take it he still hates me?" Chan asked, running a hand through his hair. Minho rolled his eyes.

"You refuse to let him see Felix. Of course, he hates you," Minho said, venom laced between words. He briskly walked past Chan, not wanting to be in this uncomfortable situation any longer.

"Min! Don't be like that, it's for Felix's safety!" Chan tried to explain himself, catching up to Minho with ease. Minho shook his head.

"He does not blame Jisung therefore he is not allowed to be around Felix. Don't lie Chan we all know the truth and don't call me that," Minho watched as Chan's eyes seemed to go dark at the mention of the forgotten friend.

"Felix needs the truth and Changbin does not agree with it. I'm doing it for Felix's safety," Chan said slowly. Minho felt chills go down his spine, Chan had changed. He was aggressive now, almost always angry and he had this scary aura that developed a month or so ago.

"I'm going to class Chan goodbye," Minho waved off the older boy and speed walked to his next class.

His dance class was the one break he had and the only time he saw Hyunjin. Seungmin and Hyunjin had become their duo after the accident, both of them being quiet about the situation and refusing to take sides.

Hyunjin was already in the practice room stretching in the far corner. Minho joined his friend and dropped his bag unceremoniously into the floor. Hyunjin smiled lightly raising an eyebrow indicating for Minho to explain.

"Ran into Chan," Minho explained briefly. Nothing else was needed for Hyunjin to understand.

"That's always fun," Hyunjin said sarcastically, sitting on the floor to stretch. Minho joined him with the roll of his eyes.

"Fun is the last way I would describe it," Minho mumbled sarcastically, stretching into his splits.

"That was sarcasm Minho, how's Bin?" Hyunjin asked, the two starting partners stretched.

"He's Bin, still in love with Felix and mad at Chan," Minho shrugged. Hyunjin scoffed at the mention of Felix.

"Minnie talks to Felix secretly. Felix misses Bin and you and Sung," Hyunjin whispered, the name sounding foreign on his tongue. Minho sighed and felt his shoulders slump in sadness.

"Chan needs to get his head out of his ass and let Felix live, I have seen him in the halls and his leg is getting better"

"Chan took it harder than all of us, he needs to sort his shit out though"

"Bin hates him, said it to his face, and has refused to talk to him for the last 3 months,"

"Isn't that when Lix and Ji got out of the hospital?" Hyunjin asked as the two finished up their stretches. Minho nodded.

"How is Seungmin?" Minho asked while the two waited for class to start. Hyunjin looked down, face turning red. Minho smirked and punched his friend's shoulder.

"He's good, still the same, just quiet, he can't stand the silent treatment Sung is giving us. He is officially my boyfriend though," Hyunjin giggled, smiling at Minho from under his overgrown hair.

"I'm so happy for you two. We don't have any classes together or close so I never get to see him. Shit went downhill after summer," Minho said sadly.

"Yeah, he hates seeing Sung like this. It's his stupid new friends too. He's just gotten into the wrong crowd," The door slammed open, a familiar face running into the class last minute.

"Speak of the devil," Hyunjin muttered glaring subtly as Lee Taeyong apologized for almost being late before starting his stretches.

Lee Taeyong was the 'leader' of Jisungs new friend group. He was an outstanding rapper and singer and an amazing dancer. He was also charismatic and charming and beautiful and everything Minho hated to be hanging around Jisung.

"Your glare isn't too subtle my friend calm down," Hyunjin warned his friend. Minho snapped his glare to the floor in front of him.

"I can't help it," He muttered.

"You loved Jisung of course you can't help hating good-looking people who hang around him," Hyunjin teased the older, Minho just hummed half-heartedly.

"Yeah, loved"


When classes ended for the day Minho met Changbin in his car. The two decided to room together after everything that went down. Minho was supposed to room with Jisung but when Jisung disappeared Changbin stepped in.

"Seungmin and Hyunjin are dating," Minho said the second they were in the car. Changbin smiled softly.

"I'm glad they were always tippy-toeing around each other"

"Felix misses you too"

Changbin was quite at the, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"I need to get his number from Seungmin," Changbin said, stepping on the gas and driving off towards their apartment.

"I will talk to Hyunjin tomorrow," Minho said. Changbin nodded.

When the two got home Changbin disappeared into his room. Minho dragged his feet on the way to his own.

This wasn't how his year was supposed to go. Jisung wasn't a freshman and therefore was not required to be in the dorms so he was going to move in with Minho. Minho had already planned to ask the younger out but instead, the whole group went through hell and more.


Here we go guys, get ready for a wild ride. As much as I want to put titles I have no idea what to put for them

Word count: 1223

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