Chapter Two: Timeskip and First Interactions.

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It is the day of the U.A. Entrance Examination for Izuku Midoriya and he is sweating bullets. He's trained his ass off for this exam and he thinks he'll be able to ace it. But there is one slight problem. And his name is Katsuki Bakugo. Him, his terrorist quirk and personality and his ego the size of the Empire State Building is the only thing stopping Izuku from being totally confident in the U.A. Entrance Exam.

A lot has happened since we last met by the way, how about a quick recap, eh?

(recap time)

"You wanna be a hero so bad Deku? Then I got some advice for ya! You better listen closely you little shit, because I'm the best and I know how you can beat me." The blond bomber known as Katsuki 'Firecracker' Bakugo growls at Izuku.

Izuku looks up in hope at his tormentor as he think he's had a change in heart. But little does he know, Katsuki is a dickhead, and once a dickhead, always a dickhead.

"I'm only gonna say this once, go take a swan dive off of the roof of this shitty school and pray that you can beat me in your next life, Deku." Bakugo then walks off without saying anything else and leaves poor Izuku to think about what he said.

Izuku is distraught, obviously, and doesn't know what to think anymore until he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks to see a beautiful punk rocker goddess known only as Kyoka Jiro.

"Hey, I heard what that dickwad said, and I'm so so sorry," Kyoka said, a bit out of character as she always presents herself as nonchalant, and the sudden change in emotions shocked Izuku, but what shocked him more is the fact that she seems to.... care about him? No, that couldn't be right, could it? "But please ignore what he said, and don't do anything rash, just listen to me as slow your breathing ...uhh, fuck, where is it, AH, there is is... here ya go, I have a spare tissue you can have to wipe your eyes." Kyoka offers the tissue to Izuku and he happily accepts it.

"Th-thank you Jir-Jiro-san" Izuku stutters, purely for the fact that a member of the human race that is of the opposite sex is so close to him.

"No problem Greenie, I gotta go now, my parents have a gig and I have to start training for the U.A. exam if I want to get in." Kyoka states before starting to walk off. But then... "Ah, wait, here, have my phone number, let's keep in touch you seem like a chill dude and I wanna get to know you better than just in school, alright?" Kyoka then proceeds to write down her phone number on a spare but of paper before handing it to Izuku, who is still in shock and rebooting. "Don't forget to text me, alright Greenie?"

"I-I won't forget J-Jiro-san" Izuku finally managed to stutter out. He takes the bit of paper and puts in in his blazer pocket and then stand up when Kyoka says something

"Hey, call me Kyoka or something, I call you Greenie all the time, give me a nickname or something." Kyoka say, fake pouting.

"Ho-How about Violet? You call me by my fair colour, so it's only fair, r-right?" Izuku says, pulling a random but of confidence out of his ass.

"Yeah, I suppose that alright, but a bit lazy there Greenie." Kyoka cheekily says before walking off.

Izuku is then hit with the realisation that he just got a girl's phone number. His face goes neon red and starts to produce steam.

(recap over, back to the current time)

The explanation of the exam goes well with no interruptions from an annoying blue haired robot kid with a stick up his ass. Nope, none at all. Just the occasional grumbling from our resident terrorist.
It is now time for the written portion of the exam to start. I would cover this bit, but it's late as I'm writing this and I'm slowly losing the will to live.


Izuku finished the exam with approximately 27 minutes and 47 seconds left out of an hour and a half exam and he is allowed to change into his tracksuit for the practical portion of the exam.


Thanks for reading Chapter 2 of this story, I'm going to be putting some more work into this book as I aheb some brilliant ideas that I can't wait to show everybody. I hope everybody has a wonderful day or night.
With that said, I'll catch you on the flip-side, peace! - ReeeFish out!

(Main Chapter Word Count - 750 Words!)

(Total Word Count - 818 Words!)

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