"Fuck. Okay I need to go in there." I turned to Dustin.

"No you don't. Why?"

"I can't leave Eddie." I didn't wait for him to protest.

I took a large stick and got in the water, swimming to the boat. Dustin and Lucas yelled at me but I ignored them. I saw Nancy jump in with Steve followed by Robin. Eddie stayed on the boat cursing. He noticed me and helped me into the boat.

"Jade! What the fuck are you doing out here?"

"I'm your hero, remember?" I panted. "We need to get down there. Either we stay here hopeless and get caught by the cops or we go down there and kill that son of a bitch Vecna."

Eddie nodded and I took his hand, pulling him into the water with me. We made our way through the gate where Steve was being eaten alive by huge bats. It was cold in the Upside Down and dark. Loud crashes and screeches came from everywhere.

I lost my stick on the way down but was able to find a boat next to Steve. I took an oar, wacking the bats away while Nancy and Robin tried to free him from the bats. I few of them bit me here and there but in the moment I was fine. Right? Another one bit my ankle and I yelled in agony. This one I couldn't get off. Eddie suddenly chopped it's head off with his oar. He took the head out of my ankle as I winced and grunted.

I tried to stand up but I immediately lost balance. Shit. This was just great. I took off my flannel leaving me in just a white T-shirt. Blood bled through at my thigh, arm, abdomen, and ankle. Steve's wounds were worse. They were more swollen and he'd been here longer.

"Uh- do you guys think these bats have like..
rabies?" Robin asks.


"It's just that.. rabies are like my number one greatest fear, and I think we should probably get you guys to a doctor like really soon because once the symptoms set in, its too late. You're already like dead."

Silence passes over us before I break it. "Yeah. Good to know Robin."

Loud screeches came from above us. Red thunder struck in the distance and the demo-bats soared in the dark sky. Robin runs behind Steve and Eddie, I follow, limping. Demo-bats landed in front of us, screeching loudly.

"All right. There's not that many. We can take 'em." Steve whispered.

Eddie grabs my hand without looking back. His grip tightened as the thunder struck louder and more demo-bats screeched.

"You were saying?" Robin says nervously.

"Woods. C'mon!" Nancy runs into the trees and Steve and Robin follow.

Eddie wraps my arm around him, helping me through the woods.

"Eddie. I'm slowing you down." I pant.

"I don't care. I'm not leaving you here to be eaten alive by those things."

We ran as far as we could. It felt like miles and miles. I was slowly losing my breath and blood. We hid under the Upside Down version of Skull Rock, letting the bats pass. I sat leaning against the rock, trying to catch my breath. The longer we hid the tighter Eddie held my hand. I rubbed his hand with my thumb, trying to calm him down. The bats finally pass and Robin was the first to stand up.

"Oh. Okay. That was close." She pants.

"Yeah. Too close." Eddie's voice cracks.

Steve lost his balance and fell onto a rock, grunting.


"I'm fine. I'm fine." He struggles to say.

"No. No no no no no, you're not. You're losing blood. C'mon. C'mon sit." Nancy rushed to help Steve.

Freaks | Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now