Two - The Final Countdown (Part One)

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter mentions/hints towards child loss.

Carina's POV

Date: The day after the wedding... Three weeks to go

I open my eyes and...

everything hurts

I had so much fun yesterday. I married the woman that I love, surrounded by everyone who I care about deeply. But I did not take into consideration how much pain I would be in now after spending yesterday on my feet all day and dancing until 12AM. Last nights, lets say adventures probably aren't helping either.

"Carina, are you okay?" Maya asks with clear worry in her voice.

"I don't think I can get out of bed right now" I tell her. "Everything hurts" I stuggle to move myself up the bed so I am sitting up

"Oh babe" She walks over to the bed, instead of standing in the doorway. "Yesterday was a long day"

"I don't want Amelia to see me like this, bella" I say, the sadness in my voice noticeable by anyone, I can't even hide it anymore.

Maya climbs back into bed, opening her arms up to me to nestle into her chest. I take in a deep breath, the strong smell of her body wash filling my nose. She must have been up a while because she's showered this morning. "I can ask if Arizona can keep Amelia until the end of today, or even stay over another night if that is what you need." She says quietly to me, running her fingers through my hair as if she was combing my hair.

"Until the end of the day, say dinner time. I want to see my bambina today." I respond, in the same hushed tone Maya spoke in. "But right now, I just want to stay here, with you"

"Okay" She gently kisses my head. "okay" I let out a big sigh, followed by a tear I hoped to go unnoticed. "Why are you crying my love?" She asks, moving hair out of my face.

"I just... ughhhh"

"It's okay"

"No, it's not okay. We got married yesterday. We should be enjoying time as newlyweds. We should be having sex all over the house. We should feel like we are the only people on the earth right now. But instead, we are laid in bed because my body hurts so much I cannot move. So no, its not okay"

"But I do feel like we are the only people on the earth right now. There is nothing more that I would do to be able to spend time with you, cuddled up together. Work doesn't allow me to do it anywhere near as much as I would like to." She places her hand under my chin and pulls my face up so we are eye to eye. "And as for all the sex, we can wait until sunflower is born. If you don't feel up to it now that's okay."

The more this woman talks, the more I am glad that I am her wife. "Ti amo, bella"

"I love you too, Carina Deluca-Bishop" She leans down slightly and gently kisses me. "Now, would you like me to go run you a bubble bath to relax all of your muscles."

"Per favour" She slowly gets out from underneath me and climbs out of the bed. "And bring chocolate."

She leaves the room hiding a giggle.

Date: Amelia's first day of second grade (10 days to go...)

"Sunflower, please stop doing that" I groan as I am awoken for the 12th time. I look over at the clock on my bedside table

5:38 AM

"There is no point going back to sleep." I throw the duvet off of me. "Is this what you wanted, huh? Did you want me to get out of bed?" I say to my bump as I waddle over to the bathroom to pee. Once I'm finished, I waddle back out to find Maya sat up against the headboard.

Forever and Ever, AmenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum