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A/n: these will be a short chapter enjoy!!

These past few days Y/n has been observing the Raimon soccer club. This team interested him.
He watch them train he saw someokas determination in creating his own hissatsu technique, Dragon crash. Gouenji joined the team. And He knows the new opponent of Raimon, Occult jr high.

"Hey guys who is that with the H/c hair color standing on top of that hill?" Kazemaru asked. "Ah that's the new transfer student he joined the day when you guys played against teikoku, he's in my class"
Aki answered. "Do you guys think he plays soccer?!" Endou asked excited. Gouenji, Aki haruna and someplace began to chuckle.
"Gouenji stated " Endou not everyone plays soccer" "I guess you right" Endou answered head hanging low. "Anyways Aki what's his name?" Gouenji asked. "His name is Y/n L/n"
Haruna then got a notification "Guys we know who your next opponent is, it's occult jr high!"
"What do you know about them?" Endou asked
"This team is said to be cursed!!" Haruna red out loud. "Apparently they curse their opponents so they can't move"
"W-we will get cursed?!?!" Kabeyama asked.
"No you won't get cursed." The H/c colored male was walking down the stairs his hands in his front pockets. "Occult jr high use hypnosis.
They Hypnose your eyes and ears"
"How do you know that?" Endou asked.
"I'd seen them play before" Y/n answered.
"Also if the goalkeeper uses his hissatsu technique don't look directly onto his hands. Bye for now"
With that he walked away.

The  day of the game has finally come.
Occult was heavily guarding Gouenji Due to that someoka was able to score two goals with dragon crash.
Occult then was able to score three goals.

In the second half Endou  figured out how to stop the hypnosis. And blocked their shot with nekketsu punch. Someoka and Gouenji combined dragon crash and fire tornado,
resulting dragon tornado. Raimon won with 4:3.

A/n: Like I said shorter chapter hope you still enjoyed it. Bye!!

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