~he's gone~ chapter seven

Start from the beginning

"Yesh p'ease, mama. Tummy angwy." He spoke adorably, lifting his head from Davide's chest to poke at his thin stomach. "Bad 'tomach." He mumbled with a pout on his cute little face.

"Such good manners, tesoro. What a good boy." Davide praised our little one, making August puff up with pride before settling back into his cuddling position. (Darling.)

"I'll go make some dinner, little love. Do you wanna watch some cartoons with daddy while you wait?" I asked him, getting up from the couch and reaching for the TV remote.

"'toons, mama. Wan' 'toons, p'ease." He begged, bouncing lightly on Davide's lap.

"Of course, hon." I told him as I turned the TV on and flipped to Disney Jr, Micky Mouse Clubhouse was playing. "Is this alright, sweetheart?" I chuckled when August didn't respond, he was too busy with his eyes glued to the screen, staring at the mouse and his friends. I bent down and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before saying 'goodbye' to my wonderfully happy husband watching August fondly and heading to the kitchen.

Once I was there I opened the door to our fridge and glanced inside. We really need to go to the store, there's nothing remotely healthy here. I went to the pantry next and the best thing I could find that little Augie would possibly enjoy is a box of Kraft mac n cheese.

With a sigh, I got to work preparing the meal, if you could even call it that, and served it up in a few bowls. I wish we had actual food so I could make him a real meal but we haven't been grocery shopping in a week or so and I used all of our fresh fruit this morning.

"Dinner's ready, my loves." I called into the living room after I cleaned up a little bit and set the table for my boys.

"We'll be there in a moment, tesoro." I heard August's dramatic whine as I assume Davide turned the TV off. When they entered the kitchen, August on Davide's hip, he carried a glum expression. (Darling.)

"Why's my baby look so sad, huh?" I asked him as I held my arms out for the boy. Davide passed him over and I situated him into a comfortable position, his frown not leaving.

"Dada took da mousy aways." He said through a huff. I gave him a sympathetic smile as I began gently patting his bum, hopefully making him feel a little bit better.

"I'm sorry, bug but I'm sure Daddy didn't mean to make you sad. He just wants to fill your tummy up." I adjusted him slightly so I could reach his small stomach and tickled him lightly causing a string of adorable giggles to fall from his lips.

"I'm very sorry, bambino. We'll watch your cartoons again soon, I promise." Davide said as he walked up to August, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to the top of his head. August hummed his approval before twisting away from my body and holding his arms out, receiving a big hug from Davide. (Baby.)

Crisis averted.

"Now, let's eat before the mac n cheese gets cold." I spoke out, breaking up their beautiful moment.

"What dat?" August asked as Davide began walking him to the table, his head twisting to the side in confusion.

"You don't know what mac n cheese is, baby?" I asked him, pausing after pulling a chair out from under the dinner table for them to sit.

"Nu, 'm I 'posed too?" He asked adorably.

"No it's alright, dolcezza. I'm sure you'll love it, though." Davide assured him as he sat down, pulling August onto his lap, as I'm sure he can't sit by himself in his current headspace. I'm not sure exactly how old he is yet but he's probably around two to three. If he sat alone he'd fall and I don't want him to hurt himself. (Sweetie.)

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