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"Can we please just skip the experiments today?" (Name) begs,grabbing onto my arm and pleading for me to follow them. "There's something I want to show you, please. I promise we can make these up later there's just something that I have to show you now."

"Alright, alright." I laugh. Show me the way." They were so cute like this, of course I couldn't turn their offer down. And anyways, I didn't care too much to spend my time experimenting Eren. I'd rather spend my time with them.

They lead me to the stables, instructing me to mount my horse as they did the same with their own. "(Name), may I ask where exactly we are going?"

"You'll see when we get there." (Name) says. "It's a surprise for you."

A surprise? Maybe this is their way for laying back for the necklace. Although, I'd be happy without some form of repayment, spending my time with them is all I could ever want. And I feel way happier now that we're spending time together again.

I've actually started to feel my feelings for them making their way back to the surface of my heart. After their rejection, I tried to bury the feelings and forget about them, but recently, they had dug up the feelings and forced them to resurface themselves. It's been hard not to give out another confession to them, but remembering what happened last time, I decided to keep my mouth shut and just enjoy what I get from them now.

(Name) led us into the woods. "You're not murdering me, right?" I question, glancing around at the trees that surrounded us.

"Why would I do that?" They laugh in response.

"Not sure, just checking."

We continued riding for about ten minutes until (Name) stopped their horse in front of me. They dismounted form their horse and I got down as well.

(Name) came up to me and held onto my hand. "Can I cover your eyes?" They asked. "Just to add some suspense."

"Go ahead." I smile. They slowly peel my glasses away from my face and cover my eyes with their hands. I couldn't see when they had first taken their glasses off, but I want objecting to their touch.

They led me slowly, making sure I wouldn't trip, and then we came to another stop. "Are we there?" I ask.

"Yeah." They said, slowly taking their hand away from my face. I found my glasses, and then placed them over my eyes.

We stood atop a cliff that overlooked a lake. The sun looked like it was going to set soon, and it casted an orange glow onto the lake. They sky was a light orange that faded into a purple.

In front of us, there laid a small blanket with a basket over top. "Like it?" They asked.

"Its beautiful." I said, taking my seat on the blanket and gazing forward. "This is amazing. I've never seen anything like this."

"I'm glad you like it." They laugh, sitting down next to me.

"You can eat if you'd like. Levi and Erwin made it, so I know it's not bad."

"Lovely." I respond, taking some of the food out of the basket and taking a couple bites. (Name) did the same. Levi and Erwin were not bad at cooking, and their food is honestly amazing.

"Hange," (Name) starts. "Do you know why I brought you here?" I turned my attention from the lake over to (Name), trying to keep myself from getting stuck in their (eye color) eyes.

"No, I don't."

They sucked in a breath, returning their gaze to the lake ahead of us. "There's some things that I've wanted to say to you, for a while now. And I asked for some help from Levi. He's actually the one that planned this out. The picnic and location, he's really good at this stuff."

"I know, he is!" I laugh. "So we both go to Levi for help, then?"

"Looks like it." (Name) smiles. "But I didn't come here to speak about Levi. There's actually things I what to speak about that pertain to you and me. First, I want to say that I'm really happy you forgave me and that we were able to have such an amazing friendship the past month. It's really meant a lot to me."

"Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot too." I said. I felt a drop in my stomach, like they were about to say something really bad again. Like they're saying all this because they don't want to be around me anymore.

"And I want to tell you something." I take in a deep breath, preparing myself. "Like I said, the last month has been absolutely amazing. And I've spoken with Levi and we decided that it was time for me to tell you this. Hange, I have feelings for you. Like romantically. And there's just so much about you that I feel drawn to. I love your curiosity and how you raise up so many questions about the world around you. Your mood. One of the best things about you. You lift my spirits, Hange. You make me so happy. And I remember the time I was away for you and how sad I was. You make me happy. That is why I have feelings for you, Hange."

Word Count: 899 Words

Word Count: 899 Words

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