He must've noticed the hurt look on my face and put her down.

"You ain't give yo dada a hug too"?

He said pushin her towards me and I picked her up.

"Hey mama, whatchu doin"?

"Playing, you play too"?

"Yeah I'll play too".

"Imma go speak to momma Lee and steal some food cus I know she cooked".

Loco walked out and I sat down with Mari and she handed me some toys.

Sincere POV

I was currently sitting outside of Lianna's house waitin for Jay who was takin hellas.

I finally got out and banged on the door a few times before it swung open.

"Who is you"?

Some tall scrawny nigga asked towering over me.

"I-I'm lookin for Jay".

He low key scared me cus he look like he kill people for a living.

"Don't no Jay live here".

He started to close the door til I stuck my foot in it but instantly backed up when he opened it back and gave me a death stare.

"You ain't hear what the fuck I said, you def"?

"I heard you, this his girlfriend house. I'm here to pick him up".

He swung the door wider and stepped up to me and I bitch was high key scared now.

"Who his girlfriend"?

"I-um L-Lianna".

He scrunched his face up but I could still tell he was pissed.

"Lia ain't got no damn boyfriend, she bet not".

He waved me to follow him and when I walked in it was hella niggas with weed and liquor everywhere.

They all looked at me but me being me, I diverted my eyes to the dude in front of me.

He walked us to a room that was blasting music and started banging on the door and twisting the knob.



The music cut off and we heard a few thumps before the door opened.

Lia came out sweaty and breathing heavy.

"Whaaat, why you on my door"?

"Who the fuck is Jay".

"Why you worried bout who I associate with"?

"Lia, stop fuckin playin wit me. You know ha"?

He asked pointing to me.

She just rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"Why you always actin like you somebody daddy"?

"Cus pops ain't here and I raised you so I got every right".

She rolled her eyes once again without speaking.

"I swear if I have to ask you one mo time I'm rockin yo ass dead in the fuckin fohead".

"That's Jay sister".

"Lia, that nigga in my house"?

Her irritated facial expression changed to a kinda worried one.

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