He blanched white and blinked as if suddenly remembering that I was there because he drove me here. "Take my car." He finally said, fumbling slightly as he dug his keys out of his pocket. "I'll be at the site tomorrow; you can just leave the keys at my desk."

I sighed, softly, the weight of his keys hitting the palm of my hand. "Okay... it ... well, it was a nice second first date." I managed to say before my gaze flicked down to the keys I was holding. "Nice seeing, y'all again." I said, dully, as I pushed past Zack, out the front door. It barely shut behind me before the first tear trickled down my cheek.

I wiped it away, angrily and stumbled my way back to Zack's car before hitting the unlock button and settling behind the wheel. I stared at the house for a long moment, tears falling unchecked down my cheeks. "Damn." I murmured. I rested my head on the steering wheel and bawled like Sophia when she was hungry.

After what felt like hours but really was only ten minutes, no one had opened the door to see why they hadn't heard me drive away yet, so I reluctantly started the car and headed home.

Best and yet, worst date ever.


"Shit." Cam muttered, shoving his hand through his hair. "And now, I've destroyed my best friend." He muttered before bending to scoop up Eiffel when she wound around his ankles. She'd likely heard, or scented Jess and he was sorry to not have let her know that he'd brought their furbaby with him. She purred and batted at his cheek with a paw.

"Wait... best friend?" Tony stared, as did the rest of the guys with the exception of Sam.

Cam nodded, focusing on Eiffel for a moment welcoming her purr as he scratched her behind the ears. Sam cleared his throat. "Yeah, Cam and Jess were roomies in Paris." He said, filling them in about the relationship that he'd observed between their brother and apparently, everyone's ex girlfriend.

"Which is where you also dated her?" Pete asked, his brow furrowed.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, we dated last year for a few months. The last two months I was there."

There were a lot of tense jaws at that announcement. Josh blinked at Sam as if putting things together. "You, I scrambled numbers for when you got back." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I scrambled numbers for every one of us after we dated her. Except you." He pointed at Cam. "You never told us anything."

"I didn't date her." Cam winced slightly at the hurt tone that tinged his brother's voice. "I told you about her." He chose his words carefully.

"You told us nothing." Pete argued.

Tony studied his family before giving Cam a knowing glance. "Wrong, brothers." He said. They looked at him in askance. "He told us he had a roommate. He never told us that he had a girl roommate, nor did he tell us that he was seeing his girl roommate as anything more than a roommate. Nor did he tell us her name. But... you know what? We never pressed him for details." He motioned around the room. "Not one of us ever spilled full details about Jessica to each other so maybe we should all consider that before we get mad at ourselves for dating the same amazing girl."

Cam looked up. "That's right. Don't get on my case about her when not one of you said her name." He pointed at Sam. "I knew everything about the two of them. We did evenings with Jessica and his client in the penthouse at the hotel. I'm the one who made sure he dated her." He tapped his chest. "Me, I told him to do it."

Zack sighed. "You make an excellent point." He kicked off his shoes and dropped onto a chair. "What do we do though? Tonight, was great. It was an amazing date... I haven't had a date like this one since I broke up with her." He groaned.

Jessica Forever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now