Chapter 007

411 6 6

January 17, 1985 (Same Day)

Location: El's Cabin



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"Billy..." I mumbled. I looked away quickly. I was folding a shirt that El gave me and I set it on my desk. Most of my clothes were either from Bon Jovi, El, or Vic let me have when she came. 

"Hm?" he quickly looked at me, removing his eyes from the screen. He was cuddling a large pillow. Max tells me that he's scary sometimes but I don't see anything scary about him. He likes to mask his stuff and I can see right through it. Max is a perfect addition to the family. I wanna see her more often. Her and El had a rocky beginning but now they're really good friends. 

"Can I tell you something?" I asked him, not glancing back at him. I felt my arms shake a little and my stomach drop. It was like I drank a coffee on an empty stomach, I know he'll understand but a part of me is not sure. "Yeah," he rapidly responded. He sat upright, placing the large pillow on his legs that were crossed. I shared a glance with him again. His eyes were so attentive towards me. And the light in the room was dim enough for him to see me. The TV took up most of the light in the room. 

"When I was waiting for you this morning...I had something happen," I mumbled slowly. I hope this doesn't sound too weird. Not having my powers makes me feel heavy and different. I can't levitate not even the slightest thing. And I haven't told him that I need the windows open at night for me to cool down because I sweat so much during the night. Maybe the house is too warm but I doubt it since El and Vic wake up perfectly fine. 

"What happened?" he asked curiously. This feels heavy. "I..wasn't able to levitate," He gave me a confused look, his head tilted to the right. I bit my bottom lip, my stomach cannot handle it right now, the room feels so still, I don't like it. 

"What? How is that possible?" He asked, he placed his hand under his chin. I'm not sure why my powers are gone, was it the excess amount I used that day? It couldn't be, El still has hers and she beat the Mind Flayer. 

"I'm not sure, I was keeping this from you for a while because I thought my powers would slowly come back. But it's been since the day we reunited that my powers stopped working," I explained to him. 

"Do you want them to come back? I remember when we were younger that you didn't like them. Because they made you feel different. That you wanted to be normal," Billy reminded. I remember not wanting them or even using them as much when I was younger because it made me feel weird. But I'm not really ashamed of them anymore, I kinda miss them now. El closes and locks her door every night with her powers and I have to actually get up to close the door. 

"Well I do want to be normal, but I don't know if it should be concerning. I've also been having bad nightmares and if me losing powers correlates with that, what should I do?" I said. I don't want these nightmares of me being in this bloody red dimension to continue. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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