That Little string

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe that we found them! Now our relationship can be complete!" Odd cheered!

"So, you know what this means?" Ulrich asked before I could.

"It means that all four of us are soulmates," Aelita smiled, " did you ever feel something lacking in your relationship?"

"Well, why yes, yes we did notice that but um I didn't really think that this was even a possibility," I admitted sheepishly.

"Hey, there's still some bit of the string that's not connected to anything," Ulrich pointed out, drawing the attention away from me, "think there's another person in our... group?" Ulrich struggled to find the right word.

"Maybe, I guess we'll have to wait and find out."

"Wait Ulrich my roommate and one of my soul mates this has to be the best thing ever!" Odd cheered, "I still need to unpack my stuff, I was helping Aelita get settled in earlier-"

"And I told you didn't have to, and you should get everything and everyone ready" she gave him a glare that had no malice.

"Yeah, I know, but I love you!" he flashed a smile that put everyone at ease, before pacing a kiss on the girl's cheek.

"I know you do," she smirked.

"Oh! Aelita baby, do you not love me anymore since you have two more boyfriends!" Odd dramatically leaned back slightly putting his hand to his forehead in mock distress.

"Oh, Odd," she laughed, "I just wanted to mess with you, I love you too!" this amused her two other partners.

"I think we're going to get along real well," Odd wrapped their arms around Ulrich and Jeremie's shoulders, "Want to help me unpack my things?" they grinned.

"Sure, come on, I'll show you where it is," with that the brunet walked out of the classroom to his dorm. We all followed him. I noticed that our newest partners have been holding hands the whole time. When we first found out that we were soul mates he told me he didn't like hand-holding and I never felt comfortable or confident enough to ask if he changed as we got closer.


"Uh Odd, why is that box moving?" I inquired, a little scared.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about Kiwi!" Odd ran over to the box, opened it, and picked up the creature inside. "This is Kiwi, my little digity dog!" Kiwi barks, little tail waving. I was intrigued by the dog, I never had a pet growing up, but had given up hope of actually getting one years ago.

"You do know that pets aren't allowed on campus... and definitely not in my room," Ulrich huffed.

"It will just be our little secret and I'm sure you'll learn to love Kiwi!" they let him down on the floor, and he proceeded to sniff the boys before jumping on Ulrich's bed. This earned the pet owner a glare from the person who will now have to deal with the dog.

We all had fun unpacking and sharing stories about ourselves. The next day we spent more time getting to know each other. I also learned that holding hands feels nice.

The next night Jim was offering martial arts lessons. Ulrich really wanted to go, but unfortunately for him, none of us really wanted to, so he went by himself.


Ulrich's POV


Of course, I was the only one there. Jim started rambling and I started tuning him out when I heard a girl gasp in shock. I looked over to see an Asian girl around my age wearing black sweats that didn't cover her toned stomach. A red string hung connecting us across the gym. I smiled as I looked down at my hand all of the string clump had been separated into strings. I had found all of my partners. I looked up to see her staring at my string. She must be able to see all of the other strings.

"Ah, miss Ishiyama I'm glad that you could make it but is everything ok?"

"Uh, yes. I'm just going to need to have a long talk with... him," she stared at me.

"You two are soulmates, aren't you?" Jim asked, surprisingly observant.

"It looks like we are," the girl responded.

"But aren't you soulmates with Belpois? Oh, I've seen this I meet some people in the mountains of Ecuador, but I rather not talk about it. But there is one thing I know, it's impossible to teach two kids that just found out they're soulmates. You are dismissed."

"So, who's Belpois, and does it have to do with all of your strings?" she asked or maybe gently demanded, as we left the gym. "I'm Yumi by the way," she must have realized that she never told me her name.

"I'm Ulrich," I started, "this may come as a shock, but I-we have a bunch of soulmates, you seem to be the last one," I showed her my finger with one string leading to her and the other three all leading to the dorms, She cocked her eyebrow in disbelief. "how else can you explain all the extra unconnected string? We have other soulmates," I was excited but tried to stay calm.

"Ok, so when can I meet everyone else?"

"I think they're all still in me and Odd's room, he's one of our partners, the others are Jeremie, and Aelita," I couldn't wait for all of my partners to be together.

We were right outside the dorms at this point and grabbed my head and kissed me. "I wondered what that felt like," I saw her smile as I came back to my senses. "so, we're going to your room, right?"

"uh, yeah."

She held my hand as we finished the trip. I was outside the door and the strings showed me that they were all still inside. "I hope you like dogs," I deadpanned as I opened the door before, I could get a response. Everyone looked up and watched as all of the strings attached. "I found the last person.

Whatever conversation they were having died as when we came in. Yumi was staring at her hand in shock as all of the strings that had found their way to our other partners.

"Hmph I never put much thought into partners, and now I have four," Yumi mussed.

"Yes, I know that this can be very confusing and probably overwhelming but, I have spent with all of them I can assure you that the strings don't lie. My name is Jeremie Beliphia by the way," he said with a smile with our other two partners sandwiching him, so he couldn't get up.

Odd got up, startling Kiwi who lay by their feet. He picked him up and ran up to us, grinning ear to ear, "My names Odd, Odd Della Robbia, this is Kiwi, he held the dog up in her face while grinning, "and you are?"

"Yumi Ishiyama," she still looked confused looking around the room and her hand, still in disbelief. Our partner put the dog down and followed Aelita as she walked to the door.

"Well, Yumi, welcome to our group, I'm Aelita Stones, Odd and I have known each other for most of our lives we only met the other two earlier today, and now that we have you our strings have fully reached out," she smiled grabbing the hand of the other girl.

She pulled it free and held it up for the group to see. "The thing is still having some extra room. I think I have another soul mate."




I hope you enjoyed!

I generally don't ship it but yes that string space is for William. I am NOT writing another chapter to this, so don't wait for one. I just wanted an interesting way to end it.

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