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5 years old (sadie and jack)

"jacky!" sadie laughed. "stop playing with my doggie."

"no, he's so fluffy!" jack argued, rubbing bowser, sadie's dogs back.

"stop playing with him and come play with me." sadie frowned.

"well, what do you want to do?" jack asked.

"can we play hockey? i still wanna try and skate like you." sadie asked. jack smiled and rushed out of sadie's house to his house, sadie right behind him.

7 years old (sadie and jack)

"jack, is that safe?" sadie asked. jack was on the lake behind their house skating and she was worried about him falling in.

"it's totally fine. im not gonna sink." jack yelled out to her. "put your skates on and come out!"

sadie laced up her skates and slowly made her way to the lake. jack skated over to her and held his hands out.

"i wont let you fall." jack told her.

after all the years that sadie had been skating with jack and his brothers, she still couldn't get it right.

the two heard jack's back door shut and they looked back, seeing quinn and luke both coming out towards the lake.

"jack! let's play hockey!" luke yelled out.

"im trying to help sadie skate." jack told him.

"i can help her, you two can play." quinn said.

luke skated out with jacks stick and handed it to him. the two skated away, leaving quinn with sadie.

"ready?" quinn asked, holding his hands out for sadie. she took them and looked up at quinn, smiling.

9 years old (sadie and jack)

"is jack here?" sadie asked quinn who was in the front hallway.

"no, he's at hockey practice. what's up?" quinn questioned. he noticed sadie start to tear up and he walked over to her, looking down slightly.

"what's wrong sade?" quinn asked.

"bowser," she sniffled, "he...he passed in his sleep."

quinn's heart broke for sadie. he knew how much she loved her dog and he hated seeing her like this.

he wrapped his arms around sadie and pulled her in for a hug, letting her cry into his chest.

"i am so sorry sadie." quinn apologized.

"let's go sit down. i can get you something to eat." he offered.

11 years old (sadie and jack)

"quinn?" sadie asked from the kitchen counter. she was spending the afternoon after school at the hughes household.


"can you help me with this problem?"

quinn walked over and looked over her shoulder, reading the problem.

"what don't you understand?" quinn asked. he pulled a chair up next to her and looked at her face. her expression was confused and her cheeks were turning rosie.

"everything. i don't even understand what it's asking." sadie told him.

quinn explained it to her and helped her through it.

"thank you." sadie smiled, looking over at quinn.

"no problem." he said.

quinn looked into sadie's blue eyes, then down at her lips. sadie knew what he was going to do and she started to freak out inside.

quinn had a crush on sadie, as did her, but they both were too scared to tell each other.

the two started to lean in before jack came running in from the front hallway.

"how did you beat me home?" jack asked sadie. she blinked a few times and looked back at jack.

"well you did have to run to the store to get bread so.." sadie shrugged her shoulders.

13 years old (sadie and jack)

"cmon sade, it'll be fun." jack pleaded.

"no. i am not going to a school dance for fun. i dont like dances and i dont like those people at school." sadie told him.

"please. we can stay together and we can talk crap about everyone." jack said.

"nope. id rather go to one of your hockey games." sadie scoffed.

"so you can see quinn play?" jack asked, smirking slightly. sadie's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"no." she lied.

"sade, i've know you my whole life basically. i know you have a crush on my brother." jack informed her.

"i do not." sadie frowned.

"so all those times you've been looking at him with hearts in your eyes, you haven't really liked him?" jack asked.

sadie stayed quiet, so jack knew his answer.

"i don't care sade, i just want you to be happy, and if you're happy with quinn, you have my full support." jack smiled.

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