Chapter 12

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.Chapter 12
"We maybe found a lead on hydra, up north in the mountains across a lake could be a base hidden in the mountains, we need to investigate see if where correct. Natasha, Wanda, me and you, y/n will investigate see if we can find something. You have been training and this mission is just an investigation, we will see how you do it" Steve says showing some pictures of the area. Wanda smiles at y/n. After a week of training with Steve, showing her abilities and bounding with the team, y/n has proven herself worthy for her first mission. "We will leave in a few hours, we will keep contact with the compound while Bruce stays here, it won't be a code green" Steve swipes away the pictures on the screen and walks away preparing for the mission. "Are you nerves?" Wanda asks y/n walking out of the meeting room. "No, I'm with you it will be fine, with that said we need to get ready" she grabs Wanda's hand and they both walk into the bedroom. Once the door closed y/n lifts up Wanda and pushes her against the door kissing her passionately. " I-like... this- getting- ready thing-but shouldn't- we really be- getting- ready" she says between kisses. Y/n slowly puts Wanda down and gives a quick kiss before walking towards the bed and taking a seat. "Alright if you say so" Wanda smiles and y/n before getting to her closet and grabbing her dark red jacket.

"We will fly with the quinjet up north, land it a few miles from the base and walk from there" Steve says to the team while the walk towards the hangar.
"Wait we fly?" Y/n says walking next to Wanda, behind Steve and Natasha.
"It takes to much time using a car y/n" Steve says. The door from the jet opens and Steve and Nat walk inside. "Your not afraid of heights are you?" Natasha says with a smile. "What? No what are you talking about. It's just-"
"It's okey y/n everyone is afraid of something" Wanda smiles grabbing her hand and they both walk on the plain. "I am a land animal, I'm not a bird or vampire or something I'm a werewolf. They don't fly" Steve smiles at y/n who nervously takes a seat on the plain, still holding Wanda's hand. "You've kinda already been on a plain before. Only that time you were out cold" Natasha says.
"Wait really?, why can't you do that now?"
"Because now you are not a danger" Steve says starting the jet. Y/n closes her eyes. Her heart rate going up.
"Y/n it's gonna be okey, just focus on me alright. Look at me" Wanda says. Y/n opens her eyes. From the high level of stress her eyes turned golden yellow. Her fangs growing. "Focus on me, your gonna be okey" she says still looking in her eyes.
After a few minutes the jet fly's on autopilot without a bump and the stress level of y/n  becomes less. Her eyes turn normal while still looking at Wanda. "Thank you" she says with a smile. "You would do the same, but I'm gonna tease you with this"
"Oh shut up, like I said a land animal doesn't belong in the sky"
Wanda smiles before placing her head on y/n shoulder "of course y/n" Wanda smiles.

"Freedom!" Y/n yells running of the jet. The jet has landed on an open field everything is covers in a big pail of white snow. "I missed you" she says laying in the snow making a snow angle. "Y/n where on a mission" Steve says walking of the jet. Wanda smiles at the sight of y/n being a total dork. "Alright I'm done" she says standing up and walking over to Steve. "Alright the hydra base should be over there at the mountain. But we need to be careful not to be seen and with that the the base is surrounded with a frozen lake. That like has a powerful stream. You don't wanna fall in" he says. Everyone nods and with that they start moving towards the mountain in the distance. Wanda walks close to y/n feeling the heat from her body. "Right now I really like your body heat" Wanda says. Y/n smiles "one of the positive things about being a werewolf" she says putting a arm around Wanda to keep her more warmed up. After walking for a few miles in the cold forest, they finally reach the end. "There are patrols close to it, Natasha do you think you can get to that little fort on the side of the frozen lake" Steve asks. "You should be fine, without being seen by any hydra agent"
"Only one way to find out" she says. Because of her white suit she won't be noticed as fast as the others. "Alright y/n you go in to the woods and change yourself into your buddy." "It's okay you can say werewolf " y/n gives Wanda a kiss on the cheek before running into the woods. "Alright Wanda you go with me, Natasha we will meet you there" says Steve. While Steve and Wanda go through the woods to find an entrance into the base, Natasha crosses the lake by herself. Carefully she takes steps on the ice. After some time she hears a wolf howl. She hears some cracks under her feet "wan-" before she can finish her sentence she falls trough the ice. "Natasha?" Wanda looks at Steve. Something was wrong , before Steve could say anything Wanda flew away towards Natasha. Carefully she lands down on the ice seeing a big whole in it. "Shit Nat" Wanda tries using her powers but doesn't see anything or feel anything. Quickly she turns around when she hears something running towards her. Y/n in wolf form runs towards her and jumps into the water. "Y/n" Wanda screams. "Wanda what is going on?" Steve asks over coms. "It's y/n she jumped in the water I think she is trying to help Nat"
Y/n goes with the stream holding its breath before locating Nat. Nat tries to hold her breath and swim towards the thick ice but can't break it and without oxygen she starts to slow down. Quickly it swims towards her and puts her body under hers. She tries to swim with al her strength up to break the ice but the ice is to thick. She tries again but still no use. The wolf looks around and sees a bit of sunlight brighter than the rest. For the last time it tries to break through. The ice breaks. Wanda flies over and grabs Nat by her arms on the ice and out of the water. "You did so great y/n. You're gonna be okay Nat we got you. Steve we got Nat, we have to do this mission another time I think" The wolf helps from out of the water before she can get out a wooden branche gets stuck on her paw and drags her back into the water. "I-I'm f-fine G-go" Nat says. She is shaking. Wanda runs with the stream and after a moment she hears something under the ice. She runs towards it and breaks it with her power. "Y/n? Where are you?" She looks around but sees nothing. "Steve I can't find y/n she fell in the water. I think she got stuck" Wanda walks further on the ice and every time she hears something she breaks it. "It's gonna be okay Wanda, but you need to get Nat to Bruce before she get into shock." Wanda sighs and with her powers she flies over towards Nat her eyes filling with tears. She looks at Nat and a smile crosses her face when she sees y/n in wolf form lying around Nat. Nat sits close to the wolf half buried in her fur because of the warmth. "I-I'm sorry I d-didn't say anything. I-I'm just s-so c-cold" Nat says when she sees Wanda. "That's okay Nat were gonna get you back to the jet" she looks at y/n her tongue is hanging out of her mouth. When it looks at Wanda her tail starts moving. "You did good y/n, but don't you ever do that again" she hugs the wolf. "Alight Nat let's get you on her. You need to keep warm. With her powers she lifts Nat on y/n back and with that they walk back to the jet. Steve already waiting outside with a thick warm blanket. Slowly y/n lies down and Steve helps Nat get of her back. "Help me remember that I say my thanks to y/n as well, she did great." Y/n big yellow eyes look at Steve she tilts her head to the side. "It's gonna be okay y/n she is in save hands but if you weren't around than it would be a lot worse." Wanda says before fallowing Steve on to the jet. Y/n sits outside of the entrance and looks at Wanda. "You can come on it" y/n uses her nose sniffing a bit before slowly getting on. Her tail is between her legs. "It keeps looking around and when the jet starts it jumps a little. "Wanda can you keep your large dog in check I'm trying to fly here" says Steve. "I don't think she will listen" Wanda laughs when y/n tries to look out of the cockpits window. "We'll try" Steve says trying to carefully push y/n back. "Y/n" Wanda says. It looks back at her. Her tail not between her legs but just hanging. "Come her" Wanda says pointing at the ground by her feet. Y/n slowly turns around. Her tail give Steve a smack in the face when she does. She walks over towards Wanda. "You are to big for this plane and Steve needs to concentrate so you need to stay. Y/n wants to walk around further explore the jet with her nose. "Y/n stay" Wanda tries again. It looks at Wanda and after some twisting and turning it lies down her resting on Wanda's legs. "It's a good thing you're a dog person" Nat says looking at her. "Yeah, but I don't think it's a good idea to bring her on the jet in this form" Nat laughs a little "she is very big but very warm"

When the jet lands y/n runs on all four out of the jet. It wants to run towards the forest but waits to look at Wanda first. "You can go but don't make it to late" her tail swings and it howls before going into the woods to go hunt. "Well that went well I think" tony opens the door and looks at them. "Nat fell through the ice I don't think there was anything left of hydra" Steve says. "Great job then, where is you're pet?" "Tony how many times do I need to tell you it's not a pet, y/n is in the woods"
"Why doesn't she change back?" Tony asks walking inside with the group.
"I don't know the wolf is in control so maybe it needs to cool down or something"
"Well I'm closing the compound so if it's not back in one hour it sleeps outside" tony says before walking towards the lab. "I hope your kidding" Wanda mumbles.

"How are you feeling Nat" Wanda asks. Nat lays in her bed under a thick blanket holding a cup of tea. "I'm fine I think I'm getting a cold but it's better then being dead" Wanda smiles. "That's good to hear"
"How is y/n?" Nat asks. "She is good I think, running around in the woods but I hope she gets back soon. I don't think tony was lying when he said I was closing the compound"
"I'm sure it will be fine" with that said both ladies hear something at the door. "The monster is back at the door, should I let it in?" Jarvis says.
"Well guess who's back" Nat says. Wanda gets up from the bed and walks downstairs towards the door. She hears y/n growl when she says tony with her. "What the hell are you doing?" Wanda says when she sees tony. "I'm not doing anything, it just growls at me" y/n walks towards Wanda and stands in a defensive position. Her teeth showing looking at tony with her yellow eyes. "Y/n I'm fine, let's go. Good night tony".
"You know that beast is dangerous, I don't feel save" tony yells before walking away. "Good night" Wanda yells before entering her room with y/n. "Y/n I don't know why you don't change back but I hope you will soon because I can't wait to kiss you and thank you for saving Nat"
Y/n wags her tail and before Wanda could do anything she gets licked by y/n. "Ew that's grows. Your tongue is all wet and big and not in a good way" she tries pushing her away but she only feels the fur. She puts her arms in front of her head to save her from y/n. Y/n tries to push through with her snout but without luck when Wanda uses her magic keeping y/n in a distance. "Please don't ever lick me again. It is grows and how much I like you I don't like this. So here is the plan. I am tired so we are gonna go to sleep and I hope I will see y/n in human form" she drops her hand and the magic disappears. The werewolf sits on the ground. Wanda cleans herself puts on pajamas and gets into bed. Y/n has her head resting on the bed and looks at her. Wanda has her eyes closed "no, i only sleep with y/n" the wolf walks around the room sniffing around. Wanda is to tired and at some point she falls asleep. Without her knowing y/n sneaks onto the bed curls up around Wanda. After some time she wakes up because of the snoring but with the heat coming of y/n and how it sleeps she doesn't wake her and cuddles more into her smelling the smell of y/n wich she doesn't know she likes or doesn't. But it doesn't matter and she falls back asleep.

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