Jake could see the car stop in front of the entrance before two people stepped out.

One was a prison guard and the other...

"What the heck is a girl doing here?" Jason spoke the question that was on their minds.

"Who's that hot girl?"

"Look at those legs..."

"I want her."

Jake raised a brow as he thought how odd it was to see a person of the opposite gender be here of all places and watched as you walked inside.

"She must be here to see someone. Maybe her boyfriend?" Brad assumed and it seemed to make sense to them so that's what they put out as the truth.

That was the case until they saw you step out to patrol the prison yard with the other guards, wearing an exact replica of their uniform.

"Pay attention!"

All eyes were on the head guard who stepped closer to you, speaking up in a serious tone.

"We have a student here who will be working here for experience. Do not screw around today or you'll be missing dinner tonight." He warned before turning to you so you could speak up.

You smiled in a charming fashion that had the boys going wild and waved.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm [F/N]." You introduced.

Jiho gazed at you with shock, not expecting to meet with you in a prison of all places. Wally saw the way Jiho was staring and his lips twisted with anger, a crazed look flashing in his eyes as he fiddled with the sharpened toothbrush in his pocket.

"You whore!"

Jake watched with interest as you raised a brow at the skinny boy who pulled out the toothbrush while charging towards you, screaming over how he was going to kill you.

"Wally, don't!" The head guard exclaimed but you stepped forward to take care of the situation.

Hus scream turned to one of horror as you grabbed his wrist, the sharp end of the brush an inch away from your face. You squeezed his wrist and he lost the strength in his legs, falling to his knees.

"Try that again and I won't hesitate to break your hands so you will never be able to hold anything."

You had kicked him down onto his back, taking the toothbrush from his hand and stabbing it into the ground, right next to his face as you uttered this to him in a quiet tone. Wally gulped and nodded, scurrying onto his feet and making his way back to Jiho who you finally took notice of.

A shiver ran down his spine when he saw the dark look that flashed across your face as you made eye contact but it was replaced with warmth as soon as you looked back at the head guard who wished for you to return inside.

"You can work elsewhere for now." He informed and you nodded, sending him a smile before making your exit.

Jason was impressed by your fighting ability along with Brad but Jake wasn't sure. Your opponent was ordinary so it wasn't really impressive for him but the way you handled the situation was certainly interesting.

He would keep an eye on you.


Hyunwoo Kim, the counselor who had hope to help change the kids of this prison was currently in a session with Jiho and you were on the side, watching them from the corner of your eyes as they spoke to each other.

Jiho's act made you want to scoff but you kept your composure and focused ahead, wondering when this stupid session would end.

You knew that the poor counselor was being tricked by the facade Jiho was putting on but you couldn't do anything as he wouldn't listen until he faced the truth himself.

"Darius is probably mean to you but you're strong. That's nice of you not to respond to violence with violence." Hyunwoo said as he patted Jiho's head.

"You're open and aboveboard. Only real losers throw themselves away." He spoke further and you could see how Jiho's whole aura changed making you smirk.

Those words hit him too hard and you could see it as soon as Wally had his session and made an attempt to kill Hyunwoo.

"Wally." You called in a warning tone as you approached hin and his hands were off Hyunwoo in an instant, turning as he realised you were in the room too.

He trembled with fear as you peered down at him, intimidated by your gaze and he tried to excuse himself for his behaviour.

"L-Leader told me to kill him." He told and you smiled, patting his head.

"Return to your cell." You spoke in a low tone that had him trembling and he nodded, lowering his head as he exited the room with the two guards.

"Are you okay?" You asked as you helped up Hyunwoo who messaged his neck, ignoring the bruise that was forming around it.


He observed you as you smiled down at him, wondering who you were to have so much power over Wally to make him act that way.

He was in shock when he found out you were a second year student, working at the prison for experience and nothing more.

(a/n: so, instead of having y/n go to the beach with her friends to Jay's villa, I wanted to go down another route. What do you think?)

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