Chapter 47: We're In the Endgame Now

Start from the beginning

"Got lucky there, Baron," he said, blotting the cut, "Any more and you might not be standing here."

"Loki knew what he was doing, I'll give him that," Clint said, evidently not bothered by the potential murder of their guest.

"Yeah about that," Bruce said as he tended to Zemo, "Anyone concerned about what we discussed not long ago?"

"What, with our friend here in the mix now?" Clint asked, and Bruce hummed a confirmation.

"The fact that he did not kill him is a testament to the faith Nat believed we could have in him," Vision said.

"What are we talking about?" Rhodey asked, having been called in after Zemo's arrival.

"We were worried for Loki, that's all," Cap said.

"Worried he might turn on his so-called allies?" Zemo asked in feigned shock, "Trouble controlling our monsters again, Avengers?"

He flinched as Bruce pressed a little harder on the wound. He glared at his helper, but Bruce just smiled innocently.

"Keep talking and we'll let Loki finish the job," Nat said.

Zemo chuckled softly.

"So nice to finally meet the infamous Black Widow. Though I feel like I know all of you already."

"You really don't wanna brag about your creepy stalking," Clint warned.

"Who said anything about bragging?"

"Well I see why Wren liked him, his sarcasm's definitely right up her alley," Rhodey snickered.

Zemo's eyes dropped at her name, but he hid his feelings behind a smirk.

"You won't need stitches on this," Bruce said, taping the bandage, "But I wouldn't go putting unnecessary strain on it for a while."

Zemo didn't give thanks, but nodded as Banner finished.

Korg, Miek, and Scott walked into the kitchen, pausing their conversation when they saw the new arrival at the table.

"Hey man, I'm Korg. These are my friends Scott and Miek, they're both tiny bug people."

Scott gave Korg a look, but ended up nodding like he wasn't wrong.

Zemo just raised his eyebrows, not expecting Korg's very blunt kindness.

"Um, I'm Helmut Zemo," he introduced himself.

"Wait, he--he's that guy right? The one who took Wren?" Scott asked.

Zemo rolled his eyes, but held his hands out. "The very same."

"Uh, guys, can we uh, ya know," Scott motioned for the others to circle up, "What the hell is he doing here???" he whispered loudly.

"He came to help," Steve explained.

"Help? Why does he wanna help? Didn't he hate you guys like a month ago?"

"He and Wren were friends," Nat said.

"Friends??? I mean she told me he let her go, but they're friend friends, like real friends?"

"Clearly you don't know the kid well enough," Clint said.

"She has a thing for befriending villains, or past villains," Vision added.

"So he's good?" Scott asked, standing on tiptoes to look at Zemo over Cap's shoulder, "Like, we won't have to worry about getting killed in our sleep?"

"He's not that kind of villain," Vis said.

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