Surviving the V's

Start from the beginning

I turned around to find myself looking into the open eyes of my dead mother. Except she wasn't dead. She looked different-more monster like. Then I realised she was craling up to my seat. I shoved the gun in her face and pulled the trigger.

I walked over to Chuck and shot him too before he came back to life acting like a monster. I glanced at the mysterious man lying on the cold ground. Who was he? Or more importantly, what was he?

I quickly took off the army watch on Chuck, reached inside his pockets for cash or anything useful.Bingo. I found a red pocket knife. The kind that have a button that you push and it opens. Also his wallet with about 150 dollars in it. It was getting cold out, now that the sun went down a couple minutes ago, so I took off his black leather jacket and put it on.

Why am I not feeling any thing? I should be crying right now but I'm not. Did I really hate them this much? Once again I shoved the thoughts deep into my mind. Not the time.

I walked slowly over to the scary man incase he woke up. I took out the pocket knife, kneeled down and slit his throat. I couldn't waste a bullet. I only had about three left in the revolver. Once I was finished, I checked for I.D. He didn't have any. Not even a wallet. Nothing.

I had to have a plan if I wanted to survive. I could drive the car to the town that we passed, even if I was just fourteen. The body was in driving condition, but the engine was mostlikely totaled. I walked to the front of the 2008 Toyota and raised what wasleft of the hood. Yup totaled. There was a shape of a man through the engine. Once more, I glanced a the "man". Not even a scratch. Even the bullet holes and my cut were gone.

What the hell was he?

I opened my eyes. Darkness. Just like that first night. A shiver ran through me as I remembered the evil memory. Then I heard the General's words echo trough my mind." When it turns dark, get to shelter. Build a fire-a big one, take out every weapon you have, and pray to god." I'm suprised he still belived in god after all this hell he put us through. But if thats what will keep us alive.

I pulled my knife out. How long was I stuck in that horrible memory? Too long. Any time we remember someone, something, its always too long. Its true. The people in our minds are either dead or going to be. A waste.

The sound of something stepping on the grass startled me. I jerked around, not going down without a fight. But vampires never sneaked to their prey unless to get closer without scaring off their prey before they attacked. I was in an open field.

A hand grabbed my right arm, the one with my knife in it. I spun around, trying to get behind the attacker so I could stab their neck with my nails, knocking them out.

"Terra!" The voice boomed as hands grabbed my shoulders. I looked into my attacker's burnt sockets, suddentley not afride of death.

"Terra!"The deep voice repeated, angry now. It was Dimitri. "I've been calling you a thousand times now! Why the hell are you not answering?" I looked down at my feet, unable to meet his eyes, even if it was pitch black out.

"We almost left you, not carring if you were dead." He said, shaking me vigorously. Then he noticed the sharp metal knife in my hand."Were you planning on using that on me?" He asked.

"Depends if I knew it was you." I muddered and looked at the ground.

Demitri grabed my wraist and jerked me forward. I felt my pulse when he sqeezed, making my wrist turn purple."Come on it safeer in here." He said, dragging me towrds a faint yellow-redish glowing line. He stopped right at it and pushed what seemed to be a long board. Like a door. He stoped when at small crack, just wide enough to fit a child or a small adult though to the other side."Go." He comanded, as he pointed his finger at the small crack.

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