𝟳 | the moment of truth (?)

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Donghyuck knew he needed to see Mark's notebook. Something he had there was bothering the medium boy. He felt like he knew what it was, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions when he didn't see it clearly, right in front of his face.

The problem was Mark, though. Donghyuck knew that he always had his bag with him if he went out. Mark wasn't leaving it behind as he had credit cards there, cash and other stuff he always protected. There was no way Donghyuck could take the notebook without the older noticing.

But there was one day when Mark didn't take his bag with him.


That day, Mark went to church without a bag as he didn't like carrying something heavy as a bag full of useless stuff. He only took his wallet for charity and sometimes his phone. Donghyuck happened to see it on a current Sunday. He took just that.

Just as Mark left, Donghyuck went to check his roommate's bag. The medium boy saw a bunch of shit, so he had to think like Mark to know where the older usually put his notebook.

He succeeded in finding it only on his third try. With that, he realized that he didn't know Mark that well. Anyway, just as Donghyuck found the notebook, he took a deep breath and started the investigation.

It wasn't hard to find the page with the mini-map. Donghyuck opened and saw it right away – it looked like the page was opened too often...

The medium boy stared at the doodles and lines that were supposed to be paths. From the trees, rocks, and bushes Donghyuck could tell that it was the map of a green place. He tried to think that it could be every place out there as all of them had trees and rocks...

But he knew that it wasn't.

You see, Mark was a person who often wrote dates whenever he started drawing or writing something. It was his habit, probably. Donghyuck found it weird and rather funny at times, but now it was useful. The date told that it happened in summer and it eventually led Donghyuck to a fact that it was the map of the woods where Byeol died.

Donghyuck sighed and massaged his temples. Now he didn't know how should he defend Mark. His roommate had a whole map drawn. He had pointers on some places, for example, big oak, as if using it to remember where he was. Or where the body was...

The boy took a photo of the evidence and then returned the notebook to its place.


Donghyuck was glad that Byeol appeared just when he needed her. The girl was angry at him for not helping her, but when she heard his plan, she started talking to him again.

The medium boy planned to visit the woods and so Byeol willingly joined him. Together they got there by cab, Donghyuck sitting inside the car, Byeol chasing after him.

"Can you tell him to drive slower?" she got angry again.

It's not like you're running, Donghyuck thought.

"I have asthma! Just thinking about running makes me lack breath!"

They got there after like two hours of driving. Donghyuck had to say goodbye to a good amount of money, but as he was too determined to find the truth, he paid the driver without getting sad.

Together with Byeol, he analyzed the map he took the photo of. They searched for an entrance that Mark had drawn, something that would have a rock next to it. As Byeol had a bad memory, they didn't know where to go and couldn't find the rock. Donghyuck wasn't good either. All he knew was that they drove past a yellow house and now he was confused. You see, he was always driven right next to the body when he got there with Taeyong. He never looked for corpses himself when they were that far.

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