Ch.7 Weekends End & School Days

Start from the beginning

By the time the front door swung open and Soda stumbled in, exhaused with Two-Bit and Steve on his heels Pony had two large pants full of cooking hamburger steaks with onion and gravy, along with their large spagetti pot full of boiling potatoes.

With the smell of food Soda walked into the kitchen half expecting to see his mother standing there just like she used to, and the sight almost made him freeze. Pony stood tending the food in skinny jeans, gotten from a thrift store while away, a white tank top and a red bandana tied to keep his ungreased hair outta his face.

"Pony? Glory I thought you were Ma"

"So did I" Everyone turned to look at the voice of the eldest Curtis, no one had seen or heard him enter in the moment of believing the late Mrs.Curtis was in the kitchen cooking again.

"No I ain't Mama, just cookin' Dally showed me how to do the complicated stuff she showed him and gave me my own book a recipes. Just tryin' one out" Turning back to his food he smiled softly to himself, every one of the gang was here but Johnny. Even Dally had returned after returning the car to Buck.

Soda got plates from the cabinet while Steve got silverware from the drawer. Two-Bit got enough paper towels to act like napkins and then the glasses for everyone drinks while Darry and Dally Pulled out a card table from the hall closet to set up next to the kitchen table to extend it to fit every body.

After everybody got their plate of food, all piled high and left overs still a plausible idea the gang started to eat. Loud, obnoxious and loving every second of it, even Tim Sheppard stopped by and took a paper plate with him.

Darry and Soda volentered to do dishes that night while Pony put away the left overs, Two-Bit joking around with "Geez Pony you make enough?"

"I made plently, take a plate home to your mama will ya? Give her the night off of feedin' herself and your little sister" Handing over the paperplate wrapped in cling film he smiled

"Damn kid pick a mood, either go motherly kind or go greaser mean don't flip so quick gettin' me confused"

"That ain't hard to do with you Two-Bit" Smiling at the uproar he caused from the others, even Darry laughing at the drag.

With the kitchen clean Steve grabbed Two-Bit and shouted out a bye as he dragged the other out with him. They could heard Two-Bit's shout of not wanting to bum off home cause he couldn't get drunk without his mother beating him with a pan, only for him to calm cause Steve said he's staying the night cause his dads off the wall again.

Dally left not long after either, taking a plate with him as well talking about how Pony learned to cook real good in just a couple days away. "I'll see ya at school tomorrow Beau"

"Bye Dal, and you keep callin' me that and people will think you can read" Pony shouted from his place holding open the screen door

Laughing from the gate Dallas shook his head "No they won't all of Tulsa knows I'm dumb as bricks, they'll be wonderin' how I caught such a booky as you"

Waving bye to him for the second time in the day Pony headed inside and plopped down on the couch damn tired after the drive home and the cooking.

"You know I'm impressed kid brother, didn't expect to come home to find you cooking" Darry said as he sat down in his chair a beer in his hand

"Neither did I, I saw you and swore Ma was back just to cook for us all again" The middle Curtis chipped in as he slumped onto the fllor

Rolling his eyes and sitting up the auburn haired teen streatched "Not Mama just me and the amature skills learned in a weekend"

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