Ch. 9 Confessions & T.V. Movies

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Ponyboy woke the next morning to the sound of rocks hitting his window, getting up with a tired groan he looked over to see Dally throwing rocks at the glass. Not hard enough to break it but hard enough to get a sound.

Breaking out in a smile Pony quickly dressed in ripped skinny jeans he got from Soda and an old tanktop from Darry that hung lose on him. Throwing on the leather jacker though it might not be needed he wrote a quick not to his brother to leave on the table. Slipping on his shoes he ran out the door to find Dally sitting in the red convertable he'd borrowed from Buck previously. He hadn't been expecting the other to show up today but everytime he saw him his heart felt lighter.

"Hey Dally, didn't know you woke before noon" Hoping over the door of the car and plopping into the passenger side of the t-bird Pony slid over to his usual spot almost immediatly.

Rolling his eyes and starting up the car the older teen took off speeding "Yeah, yeah, I wanted to take you somewhere"

"Must be somewhere special if you got me up 'fore dawn" Rubbing his eyes with a yawn the smaller teen leaned into the brunettes side, resting his head on his arm. A spot learned comfortable for both and let the right handed driver drive.

Driving out side of Tulsa and to a vacent lot the two had passed on the way to Windrixville, Dally wouldn't admit it but he himself was exhausded. Waking up so early so he could watch the sunrise with Pony would be worth it though.

Parking and waking the already asleep Pony when he moved to put down the top of the convertable. Settling back down together Dally wrapped his arms around the auburn haired teen, watching his face instead of the fiery sun on the horizon.

Ponyboy though had eyes full focus on the alight sky, watching as the reds and oranges of the morning made the heavens seem on fire. The bright colors over head making his hair stand out strikingly.

Eyes focused on the breath taking grease in his arms, still wrapped in his jacket since the morning was so cooll, Dally couldn't help but let the words tumble from his mouth "Man I love you"

Head whipping around to look at him with eyes the size of saucer plates "Say that again"

"I love you" The pair new they looked like love struck dorks but a care couldn't be less given. Lips came together in a flurry of long held of desperation.

Turning so he was better sitted in Dally's lap the shorter male tried to kiss back though his inexperience showed. "I love you Dally, I do, I love you"

Whispering the loving phrase between the now chaste kisses the pair of teenage greasers watched each others faces the dawn sky forgotten about.

"Does this mean we're real datin' now?" The younger of the two asked, almost shy like.

Chuckling warmly the brunette nods "Yeah Pone, we're real datin' now"

Resting his head back on the older males chest Ponyboy couldn't help but to smile bright and wide. Joy filling every creavis of his being.

"Since we datin' now you gonna give me pet names?"

"Pet names? You mean like callin' ya darlin'?" Seeing the flush that rose to the shorter teens ears Dally couldn't help but to chuckle again.

Running his hands through those, in his opinion, lovely red locks that curl at the end without all the hair grease. The delquient was in heaven he swore by it two, with Pony in his lap just comfortable and cuddling.

"Tell me how much ya love me Pony?" The taller male asked with fain innoccence

Laughing softly the auburn teen looked at him "You don't wanna hear that Dal"

"Yeah I do, you're good with them words, wish I was I'd write poetry bout you" Seeing the roll of his eyes the older frowned "What?"

"You ain't never been the words type, long as I've known ya. Oh stop those puppy eyes I'll start just give me a damn minute to figure it out" Tongue peaking out from inbetween his lips in concetration Pony began "I love ya like the sun loves the moon and flower love water. Like Two-Bit loves to talk and how you love Rumbles. If the world was endin' tomorrow I'd curl up in ya arms cause I wouldn't need anymore cause you're already my always"

Getting misty eyed Dallas looked away, wishing at this moment he was right good with words like his beau was. Good in a way he could tell Pony just everything he had just said and more. Settling back into comfortable silence needing nothing more than each other, those heavy lovley words still thick in the air. Either because of their true weight or because of the heath neither claimed to know.

But by the time either had decided to move from their cuddled together spot the sun was high in the sky and both jackets had been shed because of the heat. It was almost to unbearable to even stay sitting so close together.

Begrudgendly seperating Ponyboy and Dallas took off from their spot on the side of the endless highway and back into the bustle of afternoon Tulsa. "What're we doin? 'Sides roastin' out here?"

"It's hot as hell Dal, let's go somwhere preferably inside" With a hand outside the rolled down windows the younger teen groaned, hot, sticky and rightfully uncomfortable.

Nodding in silent agreement Dally took a turn, making his way to their neighborhood. Parking infront of the Curtis residents both teens hoped out, practically rushing for the coolness of the indoors even though the heat made them sluggish.

Neither knew who landed on the cold hardwood floors first but they did know as soon as they we're seated their shirts came off, far too hot for the garments. Reaching forward Pony switched on the tv, flipping through the channels for anything to watch.

Deciding on some cheezy rom-com that neither would pay much attention to the red head reached up and grabbed his book of the coffee table. Seeing the lopsided smile Dally gave he opened it to the first page and began to read, words tumbling off his tongue like ice from the tray.

Laying on the floor of the living room in the bubble of their own world the two greasers were worried about nothing but the book in Ponyboy's lap, Dallas' hold on the younger teens waist. The content feeling of love between them, and the soft hum of the T.V movie playing in the background.

Word Count - 1125

Wild As They Come -Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora