Ch.7 Weekends End & School Days

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After the weekend the two greasers had spent in the rental, spending each night sleeping in the same bed and each evening learning to cook the pair was ready to return to the busy life they had in Tulsa.

Bags packed, Pony's holding more clothes than when he left home and most the shirts stuffed inside being Dally's. Thrown into the backseat of the now topped concertable, only waiting for Ponyboy and Dallas to make their way out of the house and into the car.

Standing on the porched decked in the brown leather jacket waiting for his fake boyfriend Pony let out a shout "Dally come on! What's takin' you so damn long!"

Almost running out the front door the brunette practically shoves something into the smaller teens chest "I was finishin' it, now stop ya hollerin'"

Flipping through the book as Dally put the key under the mat for the owner to find after the call, he noticed the small binder like book was full of recipes written in the older greases messy writing. "What's this?"

"Recipes from Mrs.Curtis, thought you'd like a copy just for ya self since I taught you how to cook an all" Pulling up the collar of his jean jacket he made a quick jog to the car, trying to run in between the raindrops as if it was possible.

Tucking the book under the jacket Pony made the same run, getting in as fast as he could to continue flipping through the recipes. Most recognizable from nostalgic memories or from meals Darry made, even some known because he'd learned to cook them this weekend.

Wiping his face to hide the fact he's getting misty eyed the red headed teen scooched over to rest his head on the olders shoulder "Thanks Dal"

"Don't mention it, and if you're gonna stay there while I drive move a bit closer so it's easier to use my arm" Nodding once he had moved to the position asked Dally revved up the car and started their journey back to their bustling city.

With the radio blaring whatever was on the station the pair drove straight back, munching on sandwiches Pony had made that morning before they left. After the second hour in if they weren't so close to home he would have let the younger teen drive, but he'd seen two fuzz in the last half mile and he wasn't going to risk it. He at least had a license that he managed to keep updated and not suspended.

Pulling in front of the Curtis house just as the sun is setting and the rain is lightening to a drizzle Dally looked at the teen on his shoulder, surprised to find him still awake. "Alright kid this is you're stop, you got school tommorow, hell I do too if I don't decide to skip out"

Nodding and sitting up Pony reached back for his duffle "How you gonna protect me if you don't show up?"

"Man you're right, guess you're stuck with me tomorrow to huh?" It was already a joke between them that they were stuck with each other even though over the weekend they got to liking each others company right quick.

Rolling his eyes he open the car door and looked back at Dallas one last time "You want your jacket back?"

"Nah keep it, you seem to remember it more than your own anyways. Return it when it gets too hot for jackets and all that shit"

Nodding he slung his duffel over his shoulder and hollered a goodbye as he ran inside the gate and up to the dry safety of the porch. Watching as Dally speed off as fast as he dared on road slicked roads Pony made his way inside.

Shaking his head to get the extra water off his hair he drops his bag and jacket. Poking around and finding no one home yet he takes both discarded items to his shared room before he grabs his new book and heads to the kitchen deciding he wants to cook.

Opening the fridge he smiled and pulled out the package of hamburger and the half an onion wrapped up in cling film. Grabbing the potates as well he moved to set the ingredients down on the table as he washes his hands. With clean hands and determination he opens the book to his mothers recipe for hamburger steak and begins piecing everything together.

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