Chapter 17: Unpleasant Surprises

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Song of the chapter: Let Her Go by Passenger (yes it took me a year to find the name for this song)

"What in the name of all that's holy took the three of you so long?" yelled Nathan as the three passengers disembarked the huge Lockheed C130 on a decrepit, old runway. "Well, for one, we underestimated their armour. Normal bullets can't hurt a tank," replied Phoenix. "Yeah, but we have flamethrowers and an RPG, the Pershing had nothing on us!" laughed Katyusha. "So... you mind telling us why you're here? From what we heard you wanted help," Phobos chimed in. "That's right. Why don't we talk on our way?" replied Nathan. 

In 15 minutes' time, Nathan had explained what had happened. "So you're asking us for help," Phoenix said after a brief pause. "Uh-huh." "Phoenix went silent again. "Alright, we'll help. I owe you a life debt anyways, so might as well repay it here." The two shook on it, and the deal was done. "Oh, by the way, how's Ana?" The question was just a friendly one in passing, but Nathan felt it prick his heart like a nail. But he didn't need to answer. Phoenix understood from the look in his eyes, and patted his shoulder. "Let's get to our nearest safe house, you can crash there. We'll figure out a plan. If you don't mind me driving your BRZ, I'll drive, you get some sleep," said Phoenix in a much softer and kinder tone. Then, she left, leaving Nathan to his own devices. 

Half an hour later, the BRZ pulled up at The Triplets' safe house. "Hey, Nathan, we're here," said Phoenix, gently nudging Nathan in the passenger seat. "Uh? Ugh, alright..." he replied, getting out of the car. "Toilet's downstairs, beds are all upstairs, go sleep, you look knackered," Katyusha told Nathan. He didn't argue, he trudged upstairs and went into one of the bedrooms, and he never came out for the rest of the night. 

"Jesus, Nathan looks like a walking corpse, what the hell happened? Last time we saw him he was a lot livelier!" 
"Ethan, shut up," snapped Phoenix, "Ana's gone."

Ethan, or Phobos, lapsed into silence. Katyusha just stood up and went to the balcony. The atmosphere dropped 10 notches. "So... do we call it a night?" "Ethan, shut it and haul your ass to bed." 

The next morning dawned with an overcast sky. As expected, Nathan was the first to wake up at 7 am. He sleepily trudged down into the kitchen, and surprise surprise, found nobody. "Huh... might as well make me a brekkie," he muttered to himself, reaching for a box of cornflakes and a carton of milk. Dude didn't even bother cleaning up, he just put the milk back in the fridge and headed to his room. At that exact same moment, Katyusha emerged from Ethan's room wearing nothing but an oversized hoodie and with very messy hair. That made for an awkward conversation. 

"Uh... Katyusha, why'd you spend the night with Ethan, and why are you wearing his, uh... never mind." 

Nathan just shrugged and went to his room, his mind preoccupied by something else. 

<meanwhile in Hereford>

"I'm telling you! He wasn't like that before! He must've had something going on..."
"That's not the point Kat! The truth is right here, right in front of you! And you're blind enough to not believe it!"
"Fine, what're you gonna do, kill him?" 
"If that's what it takes, yes."

Slap. "You monster," muttered Katrina, storming out of the room and leaving Bess behind. "Well, what a cheery start to the day, no thanks to that bitch," Bess sighed, stink-eyeing the door. "Ah well, what're you gonna do, I get paid anyways." There has been a rift between Blackjack since Nathan's absence, most notably between Katrina and Bess, and the other members took sides. 

2 Pistols and a Hoodie (a R6S fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora