Chapter 10: Let the Calvary Battle Commence!

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~First-Year Arena~

*(Y/N) Midoriya POV*

The festival had finally begun, and with the first round being an obstacle course, it was pretty much a sinch for me and Albion, but I had to tone down my power a bit, so I didn't stand out too much, but I helped Zuku out as much as I can. At the end, Zuku made it into first place and me in second and behind us in third was Rias Gremory, who happened to be the Red Dragon Empress. The second round of the festival had just been decided as a Calvary Battle and only the top 42 would enter the second round, and with Zuku in first place...

"Izuku Midoriya placed first in the qualifier," Midnight spoke while aiming her whip at Izuku. "He'll be worth ten million!"

Yup, that's the sad gist of it, and everyone suddenly gave Zuku a death glare, but it was cut short when I flared my aura added with my "Dragon Glare" and cut that shit short. Everyone backed up a bit until I declared that Zuku and I were an automatic team. Once things died down, Midnight went over the rules for the game.

"First years! These are the rules you'll abide by," Midnight began setting the rules. "The game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing--Even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up."

"It's anyone's game, then." I heard Yaomo spoke a bit.

"And since there are 42 contestants," Sato added to Yaomo. "There'll be ten or twelve teams fighting on the field the entire time."

"Sounds hard." Aoyama said a bit scared.

"So, if you lose your headband at the beginning, you have more time to make up a plan." Ashi said getting the idea.

"I dunno, Mina," Tsu told Ashi. "Maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn out before we start strategizing. We already know the Midoriya's are together, and (Y/N)'s gonna be the toughest obstacle."

"This is going to be rough," Midnight spoke but aimed her whip at me and Zuku. "Especially more so with the Midoriya brothers together as one team. You may use your Quirks as much as you like. But there are still rules! Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified! Now if you try going after the Midoriya brothers, be warned. Mess with the dragon, you feel the wrath of one."

Once Midnight was finished telling the rules, the screen showed 15 minutes to assemble teams, but I already knew the course this period was gonna go.

"Now, you've got 15 minutes to build your teams," Midnight announced. "I recommend you get started."

Immediately, everyone around us backed away by a lot.

"No matter how many points our team may have, we've already got over ten million points already," I thought while looking around. "The others won't join because we'll automatically be gunned right away."

"That and Izuku hadn't shown off his Quirk during the obstacle course," Albion added to thought. "Because of that, no one else would join."

"Yeah, that's a problem too," I agreed with Albion and saw Izuku was about to try going up to people, btu I stopped him. "Zuku, there's no point in searching. Everyone else is just gonna avoid us because of two reasons: One, we'll be targeted right from the beginning. Two, you haven't shown off your Quirk during the preliminaries."

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