This was the first time she had done it since the time she freaked out at Martha and Shelby during the shelter building competition.

It was something about the way Shelby denied that she had ever fantasized about Toni. Of course using the word fantasize can make things a little awkward, but come on, of course she had. Toni knew Shelby had. I mean... she told her she loved her. How could she have not?

Toni stood at a tree and put her hand on it and bent down trying to catch her breath. She felt like she hadn't taken in air since she began running. As she looked up, it hit her that she was lost. She didn't know this island whatsoever. She didn't know what way she came from.

Hell, she didn't even know her north from her fucking west.

Toni tried to see if she could see a smoke from the fire, but trees covered the skies. She decided to keep walking because it seemed that the land was slanted, bringing her higher. Maybe she was on a mountain? Maybe she could see better once she got to the top.

Meanwhile at camp, Ivan started complaining. "Why can't we go inside? I spent 34 days in the wilderness and that's more than enough for me."

"It's freezing in there. Let's just stay by the fire, get warm, then we can go inside to sleep." Leah spoke the first time in a while. Fatin immediately peeked her head up, then an idea hit her.

"Maybe we should all share a room with people. You know, just in case something happens." Fatin said, then threw a smirk to Leah who already looked at her. Before anyone could object to anything, Shelby immediately started assigning rooms. She knew what Fatin wanted and would love to help a girl out.

"I'll make rooms for the girls!" Shelby stood up and looked at everyone.

"Hey! No boys and girls rooms?" Kirin spoke.

"We don't even know you guys yet." Shelby laughed.

"Fair," Kirin had to agree with the girl. But he knew that soon they would all become a family, and everyone else knew that as well.

"Well I'll be with Dottie, Rachel with Marty, and Fatin with Leah." Shelby threw Fatin a wink and pointed towards everyone as she assigned them their rooms.

"You don't wanna be with Toni?" Dot asked as Shelby sat down.

"What are you talking about?" Shelby asked, smiling at the girl. It honestly made me feel uneasy when Shelby said this. She knew how Shelby used to be, back in Texas. The pageant queen, the most popular and hot girl in all of highschool, but now that she saw Shelby's true colors she was confused seeing Shelby act this way.

Martha overheard their conversation, "We should go check up on her. Anyone wanna come with me?"

"I will," Dot stood up and Martha walked into the bunker, where they assumed Toni would be. Although, they were wrong.

Toni began walking uphill, she lost hope as the land began to get flatter. But then, she fell on something, she assumed it was a rock. Although, when Toni went back to move the rock out of the way out of anger, she saw that it wasn't a rock.

It was a few pieces of wood, and if you looked close enough, between the leaves that covered it there was a shine of light.


btw if i start a line with italics / swirly writing it means that i'm just writing the last sentence or two of the las chapter so that people aren't confused if i'm continuing where i left off

btw if i start a line with italics / swirly writing it means that i'm just writing the last sentence or two of the las chapter so that people aren't confused if i'm continuing where i left off

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Home Is Whenever I'm With YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora