Start from the beginning

You were clutching your hand to your chest, trying to catch your breath. "Um, yeah, we do! They're in the nonfiction section. Though, I suppose you would have guessed that...Um, if you go straight down this way, you'll see the stairs. Take 'em straight up to the second floor and go to your left. It's all organized by the Dewey Decimal System, which is a terrible system and I'm thinking of overhauling it. Just need to figure out a better way to organize, ya know. Um, it should be the 900s. I think maybe in the 930's? If I'm wrong, there should be a few diagrams listed on the ends of each shelf to direct you. We actually just got these really interesting book the other day. The Book of the Dead, I think? I don't think anyone's checked it out and...I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"I ramble too!" Steven said. "I think people think it's annoying. Actually, I know they do. My co-workers are all the time rolling their eyes and ignoring me whenever I go off on a tangent."

You smiled a bit. "Well, my fellow rambler, feel free to go off on a tangent with me about whatever amazing book you decide to check out, okay? I've been wanting to learning more about ancient histories, and I think you could be a great person to learn from." Your face fell slightly, your eyes going wide. "Not that you should feel like you have to! It's totally your choice. Like, if you'd rather only talk when you have questions about the library or are checking out a book, fine by me! I don't want you to feel like you're being shoe-horned into a friendship! Shoot, I'm so bad at this..."

"No, no, you're perfectly well! Wonderful, even!" Steven flushed, realizing his words. "I-I mean...I would love to talk to you about the books I read."

"It's a date then!" You frowned, your brows furrowing together. "Not, like, a real date, I mean. Unless you want to make it a real date! That would be fine, too. But, I-I mean..."

"Maybe start as friends?" Steven suggested. Then he held out his hand, trembling slightly. "Hi friend, my name's Steven. With a 'V'."

"Oh, good. Stephen's with a 'PH' are right assholes. Met one back when I was on vacation in New York a few years ago, and I swear I've been met a more pretentious asshole in my life. And...I'm rambling again, aren't I?" you said. "What were we talking about? Oh! Right, I should introduce myself. I'm Y/N."

And from there on out, an awkward sort of friendship began to bloom.

Any time Steven finished a book, he would come to talk to you about what he learned, what his favorite parts were. And you would always listen, face propped on your hand, nodding along, asking questions when you were confused and when you could tell he was particularly interested in stuff. You liked when he went on tangents. Said it made you feel better when you went on tangents yourself.

But Steven loved your tangents. He loved the way your eyes would brighten, how you spoke with your hands, waving them around as you talked about your favorite books. Steven liked to read what you read. He felt like that gave him a good insight into who you were. He liked knowing you were a fan of romance. Sometimes, he would daydream about what his life would be like if he could finally man up and ask you out on a real date, if he could sweep you off your feet, if he could make you feel like your life was a fairytale.

Steven had always been so sure that that would remain a fantasy. He was an awkward sort of guy. The few times he had tried asking you out, you'd been totally oblivious. But now...After everything that happened with Marc and Khonshu and Layla and defeating Harrow and Ammit, Steven was ready to give it a crack at it again.

And, he owed you an apology, too. He did sort of disappear without a word.

When Steven arrived at the library, he found you in the the children's section. Oh, that's right. You always had an hour's worth of activities planned for the children each week.

THE GOOD LIFE (A STEVEN GRANT ANTHOLOGY)Where stories live. Discover now