You shook your head dismissively, before attempting once more, "Water Breathing, Tenth Form, Constant Flux!"

This time, you witnessed a dragon of water erupt from your sword, only to quickly die down before splashing on the ground. Eli hissed to you, "(Y/N), what the hell is happening!?" Tanjirou piped up, "(Y/N)..?"

However, you ignored the two boys, simply continuing to stare at the blade in utter disbelief.

'It's.. just like at the Wisteria House..! This is giving me déjà vu..'

Daki burst into laughter, "Hahaha!! What is.. what are you doing!? Are you really a slayer!? And master wants you this badly!?" Her expression quickly morphed into anger, "That makes me furious."

Daki then quickly perked up, "What was that sound!? What are they doing? Those bugs are an eyesore!" You let out a sigh of relief, 'Good.. that means Uzui found one of his wives. I think it was.. uh.. Hinatsuru..?'

You pressed your lips into a thin line, side glancing your sword, 'But.. what the fuck are my techniques not working..?'

Eli sarcastically laughed, "Great, now your weird water technique is going AWOL!" He then snorted, "Guess I win that bet now, heh." Tanjirou nudged Eli, hissing at him, "Hugh! Not the time!"

Daki placed a hand on her hip, "Where though? Ogimoto house, huh. And now.. Hinatsuru.." She averted her gaze to the three of you, "How many of you came here? Seven?"

Tanjirou wiped beads of sweat off his forehead, "Not saying." Daki twirled a strand of her hair, "If you tell me the truth, I could just let the two of you go, and take the girl. We clashed a little just now and.."

She pointed at Tanjirou, "Your blade is already chipped.." She then pointed to you, "And you can't even perform any attacks properly. Whoever forged your blades must be a pretty crappy swordsmith."

Tanjirou yelled back at Daki, "No! The one who forged our blades is an amazing person!! He's a super-skilled swordsmith!!" You mumbled under your breath, "Other than the fact he tried to kill us.."

Daki glared at Tanjirou, "Then why is it chipped, dumbass? You're all beginning to shake all over the place. You're getting on my nerves now, so I'll kill you both with the next blow, then snag the weak brat."

You bit your slightly quivering lip, with your confidence now at an all time low.

'I know Water Breathing isn't my forte.. but.. why now? Why is it doing it now, of all times?'

You felt your face begin to flush as you held back tears.

'There's always Star Breathing.. but I can't even do it when I'm in control..!'

'I'm.. useless..?"

You slightly widened your eyes.


'I'm.. not!'

You looked up, your whole face hardening in determination. You called out to Daki, "Hey, superiority complex bitch!" Daki seethed in anger, "What did you just call me!?"

You held out your thumb, before slicing it with your sword, covering the blade in your blood. You smirked, "Come on, send your obi at me!"

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Where stories live. Discover now