Chapter 2

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Aizawa POV
I was cutting up some veggies in the kitchen for lunch when I heard a loud thump.
I dropped the knife and ran to him.
"What's wrong did something happen are you okay?!"
"Y/n got her quirk!"
I threw my apron at him.
"You scared me!"

~Time Skip numero 1~

"This is a quirk that I've never seen before! She seems to have strong telepathic abilities."
I looked at the doctor.
"Alright thank you Doctor."
I started getting up and I picked up Y/n.
"Mr.Aizawa one more thing. Her quirk is extremely dangerous so in these few first years you want to train it slowly but don't push it to it's limits just yet."
I looked at Hizashi and then at y/n who was slowly drifting off to sleep in my arms.
"Alright. Thank you."

~Time skip numero 2~

You stared at your ceiling as your alarm went off. Another night of disturbed sleep. You had a pounding headache but you had to go to school only 6 months until the UA entrance exam. You finally got out of bed and got ready for school.
"Good morning pumpkin how'd you sleep."
You sat at the table.
"I slept decently."
You put your head down.
"Would you like some breakfast?"
"No thank you, I have a headache again."
You lifted your head and sighed loudly.
"Okay, I'm going to school."
You went over to your father and hugged him.
"Have a good day pumpkin!"
"You too, love you."
You walked out of your house locking the door behind you. Shoto was standing in front of the lawn.
"Good morning."
"How'd you sleep?"
"I slept just fine and you?"
"I didn't."
"Migraines again?"
"Mhm. It's okay we just have to push forward today!"
We started walking. The school was only 10 minutes away from your house. As you were walking Shoto handed you a juice box.
"Here my sister packed me an extra one."
"Aw thank you Sho-Chan!"
You looked at Shoto. He was as stoic as usual, looking ahead. You still remember when he used to smile and be excited about things. But since what happened with his mother he's always had a distant expression as if he cut himself from everything and he's just empty now.
"Do you want to come over today? My dad's are out on patrol all evening tonight so I'm just going to be home alone."
He looked over at you and then back ahead.
"Sure. I'll just call Fuyumi later."
You smiled at him. Although he seemed empty you know he still cares. It's just in a different way now. It took almost a full year to get him to open back up. He only talks to you otherwise he responds to everyone with nods. You two got to school.

~Time skip to lunch cuz school sucks~

He looked up from his lunch at you.
"Did you get the second formula from class today? I had to finish the first one and didn't get all of the second one in my notes!"
"I did. Here you go."
He handed you his notebook and went back to eating. You took a picture of the notes and gave him back his notebook. His handwriting was extremely neat. So was his notebook, everything was extremely detailed with annotation and everything.
"Aren't you excited for the U.A entrance exams?!"
He nodded. Even though he didn't talk much everything felt peaceful. He listened better than anyone else. That was all you needed.
"Hopefully with our grades we get in through recommendations!"
He closed his bento box.
"We might."

~Time skip once againnn~

"I'm home!"
Me and Shoto took off our shoes at the door and put on some slippers. Shoto came to your house so often that he had his own everything in your house. There was no response.
"I guess they're already on patrol."
You walked further into the house and sat on the couch.
"Let's do our homework I guess."
Shoto sat on the couch and got his things out.
"Would you like to start with math?"
You sighed and used your telekinesis to pull everything out of your bag.
"I guess."
After some time we finished our work. We did all of it in silence it wasn't unusual and it felt comfortable since we were close. The door opened.
"I'm home pumpkin."
He looked at us.
"Oh you brought Todoroki."
"Hi dad. How was patrol?"
You stood up and let your telekinesis finish putting your stuff away.
"Decent, I have to go back out in a little but I stopped by to make sure you're okay."
"I'm okay dad. Is Papa out too?"
He nodded. He then handed you some money.
"Okay I'm going now here's some money so you can go buy yourself so food to eat with Todoroki."
You hugged him and he kissed your head as he left again.
"I guess it's just you and me now!"
Shoto nodded and got up.
"Can we have cold soba?"
You nodded and smiled.

(Did I feed you guys enough in this chapter 🥺 so yuh they are bestiesss. I'm out of ideas but I'm aiming for multiple chapters today so let's do it fkfbfkf)
I love y'all 🥺💕
Anyway daily Word Count- 900

Dauntless (Y/n X Todoroki)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant