Part 2

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Cale let out laugh, wrapping his arms around the hardworking king-to-be from behind as Alberu sat hunched over his paperwork. Seriously, he was going to work himself into an early grave. "Excited for the coronation?" Cale asked, kissing his temple before resting his chin on Alberu's shoulder.

Alberu leaned into the hug, letting out a long suffering sigh. "You wouldn't believe the amount of fucking idiots lining up to change their attitudes towards me. It's a little unnerving."

"My goodness, your majesty. Such crass language." Cale lightly teased, trailing his hands along Alberu's clothed chest and debating sneaking in beneath the folds.

Alberu snorted and turned his head, stealing Cale's lips for a chaste kiss. "It's not 'majesty' yet. Besides, please just use my name."

Cale returned the kiss with one of his own, smiling impishly as he spoke. "Okay, I'll only refer to you as your given name. I believe it's 'that fucker over there'."

" day, I'm really going to take exception to your attitude." Alberu's soft smile said otherwise. He turned in his chair, pulling Cale half in his lap and taking his time to kiss him properly.

Cale giggled against his lips and happily indulged in the moment, wrapping his arms around Alberu's neck and straddling him to the chair.

It really made all the stress of paperwork and two-faced politicians fade into the background and disappear.

Cale was the one to break the kiss, one hand trailing down Alberu's chest and toying with the buttons.

"...I can't today." Alberu said remorsefully. "There's too much to do."

Cale let out a tsk but put a stop to his mission, resting his forehead against Alberu's and looking him in the eye. "And when's the last time you rested properly?"

"I swear I have been. I slept a whole night just a few days ago." There was something about that sleep that he'd wanted to remember but he didn't waste his time trying to remember at the moment.

Right now was just time to have with Cale. Not ponder about other things.

"'I slept a full night a few days ago'." Cale quoted in a mocking voice. "Alberu. You're aware that most sane humans sleep a full night every night, right?"

Alberu kissed his cheek. It was cute when Cale worried like this. "It's a good thing I'm not all human then."

Cale rolled his eyes with a snort. "I'm sure that dark elves value proper sleep too. Do I need to turn your aunt against you? I'll fucking do it. Watch me, fucker."

Cale probably would, Alberu contemplated the terrible duo with a chuckle and traced the line of Cale's face gently, happy to have him here.

"I really love you, you know that right?"

"Don't change the subject, fuckass." Cale replied, but his cheeks were pink. He always got so flustered around honest expressions of affection. Fierce brown eyes locked onto Alberu's. "I fucking love your stupid ass too, so take care of yourself!"

"Just my ass?" Alberu teased, his smile full of all the love he felt bounding from his heart and pouring through his limbs. Was there anything better than this? Having Cale in his arms like this and being able to express themselves however they liked.

Cale's face turned devilish and those hands of his sought out and found Alberu's hips, groping his ass shamelessly. "Yes. Just your ass."

Alberu kissed him softly, noting how sweet and tender Cale's kiss was despite his crass words. "Good. I love your ass, too."

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