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Neptune - Sleeping At Last
0:58 ━❍────── 4:40
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


JJ woke up to hushed fighting in the kitchen. He slowly opened his eyes to see Sarah and John B. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but it didn't look good.

"I swear to Go-" Sarah started, then stopped after she noticed that JJ was awake. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

JJ just hummed in response. He looked around to see Kie's bed empty and Pope's door wide open. He looked around, but couldn't find either of them.

"Where's Kie and Pope?" JJ asked, standing up. JB just shrugged and JJ couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy. He knew they were close. He also knew that Pope liked Kiara, but was sworn to secrecy. "What's for breakfast?"

John B scoffed as JJ sat at the counter. "I was gonna ask you that same question."

    "Cute," JJ smirked. "Now, make me a damn pancake."

    John B scoffed. "We don't have any batter," he said.

    "I'm gonna let you two figure this out on your own," Sarah cut in. "My parents are expecting me home," she said as she awkwardly left.

    "'My parents are expecting me home,'" JJ mocked. "Seriously, what's going on?"

    John B ran his fingers through his hair. "Nothing," he sighed. "It's fine. I'll figure it out."

    "Alright, whatever you say," JJ stopped pressing the issue. "Where the hell is Kie? I need food."

    10 minutes later, Kiara decided to show up. Apparently, she needed to call her parents. JJ made a mental note to teach her how to lie better. Pope came through the door a few minutes after that. Ouch. That hurt.

JJ was so focused on his jealousy that he almost didn't realize what Kie was doing. Almost.

He looked over to see her scratching her wrists under her bracelets. His heart ached slightly to see her this way again. The last time she was like this was when her parents sent her to 'kook academy.'

She had come to the Château hyperventilating and visibly shaking. John B was out with his dad, Pope was studying, and JJ was making out with some girl on JB's bed. When JJ saw her he panicked and made the girl climb out of the window. Not the best move on his part, but in his defense, he was kind of freaking out.

"Look, I'm sorry," JJ whispered to the blonde, "just go home." The girl rolled her eyes and stomped away. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Kie?"

    He walked out of the room to find his best friend with puffy eyes and red swollen wrists. She refused to look up at him. "Hi," she whispered with a broken voice. JJ felt his heart shatter right there and then. He practically sprinted over to her but stopped before he reached her. Especially since he didn't know what was wrong, he didn't want to take the chance of making it worse by touching her. He realized that she wouldn't meet his eye.

"Kie," he said as softly as he could. She stayed staring at her wrists as she scratched them. "Kiara, please stop," he said as his voice broke and his eyes filled with unshed tears. "Please, look at me, Kie. It's me; it's JJ." When she finally gave in, she saw the pure sadness in his eyes. She couldn't understand why he cared so much. JJ sighed in relief and pulled the girl to his chest. She tensed at first and JJ felt a wave of guilt come and go as she melted into his arms. She started sobbing and JJ just squeezed her tighter.

The two stood like that for what felt like hours to JJ. The pain of seeing her like this made him start to sob. This exact moment is when JJ realized that he loved Kiara. He couldn't really deny it any longer. Only love could cause someone this much pain.

As JJ finished reliving the memory, he glanced at his other friends. They hadn't seemed to notice Kiara's weird behavior. JJ bit the inside of his cheek.

    JJ clapped his hands together and stood up, "who's up for a surf?" The two other boys agreed and JJ turned to Kie. "Come on, Kie. Please," the boy stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. Kiara sighed and stood up.

    She groaned, "fine." JJ felt himself smile brightly and grabbed onto the girl's shoulders. The Pogues got ready for their surf and took off in the Twinkie. JJ was just glad to give Kie a distraction from whatever was going on in that beautiful mind of hers. He just wanted to help her. He always wants to help her.

When the four arrived at their favorite spot, JJ jumped out of the van and opened the door for Kiara. "M'lady," he put his hand out for her. She rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. JJ felt a swell of pride that he was the one to make her smile. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her out. JJ couldn't help but notice the pink swelling on her wrists and the way she slightly winced when he pulled. He grabbed his and Kie's surfboards while the girl eyed him suspiciously.

The group surfed for a few hours without any problems. Well, except for when JJ and JB almost died. Y'know; the usual. JJ watched Kiara most of the time. No one else saw that she took a few less waves and the ones that she did take, were easy, quick ones. And even after some of the easiest waves he has seen her take, she seemed exhausted.


how yall doing
ugh this was so bad
im sorry for hurting ur eyes
pls forgive me
im not the best writer😭🤚
im just a dumbass with adhd and too many fucking ideas
love yall😍

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